In 2020, Ste confronted one of his most terrifying challenges: 48 hours inside the UK’s most haunted house, 30 East Drive.
What was once believed to be lost forever was Ste’s return visit to complete the challenge just days later.
After four years, lost footage emerges of what happened that night!
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I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE – Real Paranormal Investigation
STE if you slow the video down to .25 playback speed at 35:38 you can definitely see it's the water bottle.
My wife generally keeps a water bottle on her nightstand during the night and I'll hear that pop. When it does it generally startles me.
Shout out to Rob for pointing it out.
Oh wow Ste u look so young in this video.. lol .. an omg dont scare me like this thinkin ur not doin videos anymore has me upset almost lol
This was awesome love the raw footage. This brought back memories of when I lived at home. It is haunted and when my parents were away, I would often hear strange noises in the middle of the night but be too terrified to look to see what it was
16:38 strange sound after you say "give me a sign"…
That bang sound didn't sound like a house-settling sound. A marble hitting a door? Great vid!👍👍
The only growling I'm hearing is ur tummy lol 😅
Someone could ezily slip on a marble on the stairs n fall that's scary
3.23 by the chair something appears for a few seconds
Its the plstic bottle expanding with the room temperature..nothing to see
I’m tired of seeing this house over and over again and nothing has ever happened. He hears the noises. But I don’t. I think it’s just him.
Well done your either brave or mad! 😂that was intense!
Omg Ste…I don’t know how you stayed in there overnight all on your own!! I went as part of investigation a few years ago and although I’m generally not easily spooked and nothing much happened I was absolutely terrified in there even though I was with a bunch of people…it felt horrendous! Hats off to you for doing that…I’d have been off up the road 😂
Well done you. 👍
What happened to your thumbs up?
Could sense the pure fear in this video!
Ghost hunting suggestion, try and visit Baguley Hall, Wythenshawe. I drive past it everyday and it looks spooky.
fucking hell Ste! I shit myself at the end when you cut from you on the bed to walking past the camera 🤣
The noise was deffinately the water bottle cracking. Did the story of the black mass at the beginning come from the kid that smokes the weed in the shed next door?? 😆
3.21 to 3.23 What was the light source behind you taking a seat? You're alone
Fake! Come Pakistan I’ll show you witches, jinn, and deformed demons, this is nothing! 😂😂😂😂 if you want to see how genuine these guys are people petition to to send me Pakistan to my village all expense paid need to expose you guys! Once you see what true horrors are out there you’ll delete your YouTube change and pray for life 😂
Christ! Omg nooooololollooool!
Its almost like its all for not.
Almost like its all bullshit.
I mean the math is staggering, 45 billion cameras in the world and an absolute shit ton off footage of alleged ghosts and not one can be in 4k and be definitive. I mean our phones shoot movie quality but yet entire channels dedicated lives are on the hunt or as I call it chasing ghosts because you guessed it. Is completely blackmassery and false hope Safari's.
Awe I'm so disappointed this channel is going to continue converting absurdity into gullible belief.
I could feel your fear through the phone…watching yourself would have been hard when editing.
A study in real paranormal work and the real fear behind it.
Ime sure you have shown this before?
Just saw this on video & thought straight away OH NO i thought you were giving it up and not bothering anymore.Theres Dave bloody hell NOT seen him for ages now.This is an old video. whats dave up to nowadays?? Has he got his own paranormal channel??: if so ste can you please say what the name of his channel is Thanks..your channel is the only decent,NONE FAKED HONEST paranormal channel on the whole of the internet.. most of the other channels are fake.So pleased that your not shutting down your channel 😊
Glad you found it Ste enjoyed watching👍 Happy belated birthday or Happy Birthday whichever it is🎊🎉. Xx
Ste never in a million years would I stay there on my own and iv seen lots spirits in my life but I couldn't do what you did and go back alone good on you 👏 ❤
12:50 ish there is a deep mans voice evp check it out
Methinks whatever entity(s) may or may not be at 30 East are extremely camera shy. The biggest clues I’ve pieced together is that the longtime owner/operator has an extensive background spanning MARKETING, writing, and filmmaking. The place’s reputation and the fear it inspires in people far outplays the scant evidence actually captured by the countless serious investigators (and non-serious content creators) who’ve passed through. Same as any other storied location, but #30 has had a massive amount of very shrewd marketing over the years. The place is an absolute gold mine for its owner.
Hi guys since I been watching your channel you are amazing in what you both do. I love watching your videos.