Irys Swearing, Screaming, and losing Hope fighting a BOSS in Elden Ring【Death Compilation】

Irys Swearing, Screaming, and losing Hope fighting a BOSS in Elden Ring【Death Compilation】
Spread The Viralist

Hope descends about 70 times in this stream, well Chat said over 70. I think I caught most of it, but i lost count after 12 😂
Irys emphatically says she will never fight the giant ants ever again in Elden Ring.
Like it always happens, it started off as an 8 minute idea and then ballooned into what it is now. Kind of like my Irys Sekiro Video, i hope you enjoy!

@IRyS (stream date 5/28/24)


Youre the best violin cover @MiguelEpardo

Baby Elephant Walk @CorradoGiuffredi


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About the Author: Ranivus Ch


  1. Kinda knew it was gonna be the bois without even seeing the thumbnail.

    So we're getting a new "Bad Ending" animation right? "Worst Ending" and IRyS didn't show up because she was malding at the Duo.

  2. Was this before Rivers of Blood got nerfed or was this recent? Because if she did Duo with Rivers of Trash while under-leveled then that’s just impressive

  3. Did she pick up Rivers herself or is this yet another playthrough where chat hounds a streamer to pick it up (even though it’s not even that good). Can hardly find one that isn’t railroaded to Bloodhound Fang, Moonveil or Rivers

  4. Godskin duo are such pain in the ass. I totally dogwalked then when they alone. But when these Walmart ornstein and smough together it took me about 26 attempt

  5. When you realize Hope's not enough… really, you gotta know when you're just not ready for something.
    True, tenaciousness has been known to be a common factor in Dark Souls' games, but you just gotta be READY.

  6. I appreciate that unlike me and probably a lot of us, IRyS actually will spend a few minutes to refamiliarize herself with the controls instead of just running in with the idea that it’ll come back eventually.

  7. Nice edit. Only saw up to after she got past the Dungeon with the rolling chariot defeating quite a few minor bosses along the way. Despite losing hope, her perseverance always seems to pay off. RIP the Fungus twins. That instrumental cover of Only the Best was nicely timed.

  8. They will never learn to run far enough away from the enemy or heal in a blind spot while the enemy is in the attack animation.
    For some reason, people completely ignore the fact that soulsborne healing has a fairly long animation and does not restore health from the first frame

  9. Why is she surprised that Godskin Noble has rollin for so long?
    There are 3 places where you can meet him. Vulcano Manor, The Divine Tower in Liurnia and somewhere else there was a battle against the snail that summoned him.
    That is, she should already know the motion set

  10. They were definitely her biggest struggle in Elden Ring yet (besides ants existing🤣), but she was pretty under leveled so she got some more levels and beat them in the end😊

  11. Irys was super under-leveled for the Godskin Duo. The fact she was able to persevere and win in the end was beyond satisfying. I honestly think she'll have an easier time with Malekith than the duo.

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