Sen. Bernie Sanders on natural disasters in Vermont and climate change across the world

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Vermont is seeing historic rain and catastrophic flooding this week — and while the state has seen major floods in the past, this week’s events are part of a concerning trend. Climate change is bringing more extreme rain to the state.

Full story on climate change:

Bernie’s stop in Barre:

Live updates on the flooding and recovery:


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About the Author: Vermont Public


  1. Can't stand Bernie Sanders. I don't agree with everything he says because it's political and he's pro socialist. Besides, the earth goes in natural cycles and always had for millions of years. It will have its warm seasons and cold. He's an idiot and full of it.

  2. Weather is real. Im glad it changes. But maybe they should stop trying to control it and let it be natural weather instead of cliud seeding and HAARP manipulation.

  3. Look at history it happens. Nature is more powerful than anything in the Universe God set it that way. Humans for our sake use the brain to discern the truth

  4. I often wonder what kind of signal the planet has to give us before we reach a tipping point. The planet is alive, for some reason we do not think that way, but it breathes through its air currents, coughs and volcanoes erupt, shivers and earthquakes happen. If we are not careful she will shake us off like the fleas our species is.

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