Tornadoes Hit Across the United States

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Tornadoes Hit Across the United States

Making the apocalypse fun. Pat Gray pulls no punches, restoring common sense to a senseless world. Join Pat for unique analysis, insight, and fun. Watch Pat Gray Unleashed, Live Mon – Fri, 7- 9am ET on BlazeTV.

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About the Author: Pat Gray Unleashed


  1. When mankind messes with nature, he has to keep messing with it and messing with it to try to keep things from getting worse. Next thing you know there's a pole shift or something. Atlas shrugging off the cockroaches.

  2. We were hit by a tornado on April Fool's day a couple years ago.
    Put a tree through our front porch, destroyed our barn, found our chimney cap on the other end of our acreage & "somebody's" door & door frame, but it wasnt ours.
    It went through my neighbor's family farm ripping 30-40 full grown trees out of the ground.
    If it had come up the other side of the road from what it did, it wouldve killed us.
    The nader eating up their trees 1st slowed it down enough to prevent it from hitting us at full speed.
    Thankfully, the Lord was looking out for oir community & we had no fatalities, but naders are no joke.

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