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About the Author: Asmongold TV


  1. if you unironically think this is hard its no wonder WoW has been losing players. actual bore fest. not a single one of the mechs in here areeven remotely complicate, complex, or difficult to esecute.

  2. Bro says "if you ask any questions i'll kick you" and then complains when people don't understand what to do. What a clown

  3. Looks familiar. He is exactly right though. The raids were so hard you couldn't do them with your friends. The worst person in the group will keep the whole raid from progressing. They were tuned so tight.

  4. Well Cata was never going to be able to compete with the other previous classic versions for a reason. It is more of a niche .

  5. If it was a Horde pug good chance would have done it. Though still surprised that Classic has not added cross faction raiding yet like Retail.

  6. it would be neat if they came out with a Raid or a Dungeon where Horde and Alliance had to work together to battle a mutual enemy that threatens both sides, I always thought that would be an interesting run,

  7. Anyone thinking they'll get the original experience from these re-runs is wrong, the magic wasnt just the expansions it was the old style community, before sharding and layering when servers felt alive.

  8. I remember puging Icecrown. Doing hc with half randkm half guild. Then cata came and my guild that did classic, BC, wrath was stuck on 3/4 bosses in lair and on Chogal in bastion. And mind you l am talking normal and best situations. There were resets (by cata everyone was working and/or fresh hitched) where we couldn't do the sound dragon. Heck for the first 3 weeks we couldn't kill the mechanotron or the lava wurm. And we weren't the only guilds having the problems. The "young" dad guilds got gutted by cataclysm. Heck fuck raids , people would fail doing Grim Batol as if it Pinacle. How it ended was that after a 6-7 months of pain our server was desolate and the still playing "good" players started clearing stuff. By the time of fire lands everything was being cleared on weekly basis, it is just that the number of guilds dropped dramaticly and you couldn't just join after a 3-4 months break.

  9. I remember when my guild went into ICC i was a druid healer, a green fell and I was like :O can I have that, it has so much spirit. I link my blue item with no spirit but had three maxed spell power gems. Everybody stopped and inspected. My gear was all epic except for that peice. Everybody started laughing on vent and said this guy literally made his own teir gear lol

  10. He is surprised no warlocks were signing up. There were plenty of warlocks just none of them dumb enough to join with him and funnel him gear.

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