Watch Out of the Cradle now at https://curiositystream.com/tierzoo
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Pokemon Ruby Gym Leader Remix: https://youtu.be/IwInqrN_auU
Runescape songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6p8s2UUzS8 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0wd7pAVR1M
Outro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFUjc-gSUmU
Pixel art by Justin Herschel: https://twitter.com/Daydream_Stream
1:46 Mozambique yeah🤑🤑
This video came out in 2019 BTW
africa got hotter in the ice age??
Humans have also started to expand into the new DLC by building an outpost
Yet the cats best us all with their mind control ability. Although, not all humans are vulnerable to that. But if you have a heart and good taste, you're not immune.
bruh we are too op pls fix the meta 😭
You know I heard about a human player who got a natural divinity buff. He was so OP the devs had to create an enemy to try and beat him only for the guy to somehow instead become best buds with him.
'How to explain human evolution to gamers'
Hominins and humans used interchangeably in this video for monetary purposes
There was a player named Jesus Christ. According to other fellow players he was the first one to unlock OP abilities like walking on water, Devine wisdom and immortality. According to some, this player was the first one to achieve level 100. He was also the first and only player to ascend to the "Heaven server" thus unlocking it to the rest of the players
Goed let bro jus explain human evolution in video game terms
the runescape songs tho,
Many people believe that the reason humans are so OP is because its the developer of the game's favorite build. Its wildly debated among the fanbase whether this is true or not, but considering humans have yet to get any substantial nerfs, I think its probably true.
at this point even the devs cant stop them
Humans evolved from one of the weakest builds to dominate the meta.
Australopithecus adapted to bipedal build for loot sharing
Humans evolved to hunt and survive through tool use and adaptation.
Humans adapted differently in Europe and Africa during the Ice Age.
Neanderthals' physical superiority led to their downfall.
Sapiens invented ranged weapons to hunt behemoths.
Neanderthals' physical might became a detriment
Promotion of the documentary 'Out of the Cradle' by Square Enix
As a human main I am very proud of
What is so cool to me about these things where we actually just live in a game/simulation is that it could just be like an infinite loop. We make our own simulations of what we were like thousands of years ago just a few decades after creating computers. The possibility of either one or of infinite intelligent not only species but humans is crazy to me
This is cool but what do we think the second most powerful guild is? The humans could relatively easily wipe out the whole player base but is there anything that’s clearly the sub-human power?
The video starts out as pure speculation.
thats why gamesense outweigh mechanics.
Good vid a lot in the party size was wrong thou
I feel like the humans most even machup is against stinging insects beacuse of the scare debuff everything else gets bodied by their technology
I got the autism sub class with the higher intelligence but worse social and critical thinking stats
This reminds me of a game called sapien is on Roblox really good game it’s like a survival game recommended
bruh ngl being a neanderthal sounds way cooler than being a sapien, especially when you consider that both species share basically the same amount of intelligence
you also forgot to talk about the "indomitable human spirit" glitch that still hasn't been patched, letting humans suffer NO DAMAGE after reaching 1 HP, and have unlimited stamina. if done correctly, it even gives a 30% increase to damage, but it almost never happens.
where tf is the leaderboard at??!
the black plague was a major halloween update
Nah wth did i just watch bro
as a human i can confirm this is how it happened
The interbreeding of Neanderthals and Sapiens seems canonically planned.
"These ones are weak, but work together and compensate with tech.
The other ones are strong but work in small groups and lack tech due to physical confidence."
"What if… we just mix em together? Boom, smart, strong, equipped, and organized all at once."
The physicality of the OG Europeans and the Socialism of the OG Africans made the perfect hybrid. Take the big Neanderthal brain and muscles and equip it with advanced social structure passed down from the Sapiens.
The Ice age is like a test, to qualify for the orgy. If you survive this, you all get to hump the other survivors and create a god-tier species.
The RPG terminology should be adopted in Net geo under a gaming section history lol
guys my hud is hidden from me what do i do? ;-;
God(main dev) : gives humans big brain but not too big and stoopid and not stronk
Also humans: becomes 20% god
what is that song in the overview? i remember they used to belong to some science videos at school but i dont know what to look up
When your gamer bro teaches you biology
Humans are so OP they have unlock the extinction level event creation skill
I'm a human main, and I can confirm that humans were mostly boosted in INT after the Fire and Nuclear updates, but STR was nerfed once the Modern Tools update came, it gave humans a chance to enter the Woke status, which gives the debuff "Modernized", it gradually weakens the stats strength and intelligence and it is highly dangerous to human builds. In version 20.2.0 most bat mains were given the "COVID" buff, and could debuff humans. This also had the chance to give the "Immunocomprimised" stat, which could result in a game over. Humans are strong against most weak and agile attacks, but any STR attacks that crush too hard will fracture the limb and result in lowered overall limb HP. Humans are also weak against CHR attacks, which stack with "Modernity", I hope you found my guide to using the human class useful!
I hate to tell it to other human players but I read the forums and the devs said there's been an bug with the human class for the last 4 updates. They've been trying to fix this bug (genetic debuff bugs) for a long time now but the coding doesn't work.
They've reached out to scientist mains to see what's wrong and they can't figure out how to fix it either.
Wait this is a good game idea???
This dude took a simulated universe theory way more seriously than any content creator 💀
I mean that can walk on water
Yeah, humans did break the system they manage to make a baby. They can walk on the water and use magic and make all the humans worship him.
I heard the zombie appocalypse ltm was getting released soon! Cant wait!
Humans even unlocked the moon servers and are heading to the mars servers in the mars expansion
Also remember the nuke expansion, the humans really took advantage of that
21st centry update was the major one.
Killed millions just to prove who kill
YouTube comments always boost video content
Humans will be replaced by Robots.
Latter Robots call humans as Gods