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People in June 2024 👇
The game on first YouTube short is called obby but you’re on a bike
The thumbnail tho💀
The Roblox Game is called An Obby But On A Bike its pretty popular and you should try it for a video it should be called "Playing Roblox Games"
I think I know every single financial Advice Because of this video
The game is Bike of Hell or something like that
Ride a bike, Obby😊
10:53 my home
its on roblox and its call obby but on a bike
Game name obby but ur on a bike its a roblox game very fun 😊
30:45 the sync with the beat goes 🥶👌
30:45 the sync with the beat goes 🥶👌
its called obby but youre on a bike 24:00
“Guys I don’t watch myself” watches the short 😂
If a bot replies to this comment, they're banned, anyways, Man, I wanted to see your search history.
Sam’s the type of guy to use a wheel to decide his video
Bro your not sunnde
Sam.. this is so cool and creative
40 minutes?!
falls asleep during the financial advice
What if you are already subscribed 😂
Bro thinks a word deserves hate but Karen’s don’t? lol
I Love this user @morealia 25:22
Who’s watching on June 2024
24:09 Roblox obby but you’re on a bike
Its not canada its can-eda
Thu June 6 21:36
@Sambucha it’s called obby but your on a bike
24:14 um obey but your a bike on Roblox
26:26 Dw it happened to me too lol
"But him on his back"
"I wanna put his back on the wall"
"I got him on his toes lets put him on his back"
2:13 I didn’t realise there was heavy music playing until I listened closely lol, music to my ears ❤️❤️💅💅🦆🦆
Video idea “playing geogursser until I find my home” 😭😭
heres my financial advice: get money
Tu chiar nu știi de Mehedinți
Bro💀 the click bait
24:12 is bike of hell you idiots look at the floor