Top 39 minutes of natural disasters caught on camera. Most hurricane in history. USA

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A selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on tape!
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There are some moments in life that are so incredible that nobody would believe it if it weren’t caught on camera. And even though bizarre moments happen every day, it can be very confusing to see them with your own eyes. Today, we’re going to show you of the most unbelievable moments ever caught on camera!

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About the Author: Admin


  1. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth & the Life, please Repent & call

    upon the Lord Jesus Christ, for forgiveness of sins and believe the

    Gospel and the coming Kingdom of our Lord, be born again in Christ

    & be saved. This is the gospel of Christ:

    John 3:16

    ROMANS 3:23-24

    ROMANS 5:8

    Colossians 1:14-15

    ROMANS 6:23

    Ephesians 2:8-9

    Matthew 4:17

    Acts 16:31

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4

    Romans 10:8-10

    John 14:6

    John 14:15

    ACTS 2:38

    For whosoever will believe, shall be saved. Then take up your cross, and

    follow Jesus keeping His Commandments. Matthew 22:37-40 GOD bless

    all who read these words. 🕊🙏❤🙌👑

    cap. 10
    vers. 10. Porém o SENHOR DIOS é á verdade, ele mesmo é o DIOS vivo , e o Rey eterno; do seu fúror treme a terra e as nações now podem, suportar a sua indignação.

    O tempo está mui próximo, buscai o SENHOR DIOS é a sua justiça.

    Filho de israel pilot07Galileu.
    O. Anjo. Mensageiro do Rey dos Reys o Rey Eterno.

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