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Dr Jones is hearing from pet parents who have spent in excess of $10,000 on veterinary care for their dog or cat. Dr Jones comments on the problems of veterinary affordability, and more importantly how you can help your pet by saving on veterinary fees.
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⚠️ Disclaimer: This video is designed for educational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional veterinary care. For any health-related queries, always consult with a qualified veterinarian.
I know exactly what's happening. My blind male cat blocked and I had to rush him in for an emergency. Two days later, he was home and I had a $7,000.00 vet bill. I'm glad to have my kitty but that's RIDICULOUS.
Hi Dr Jones, I lost your comment to my first comment below because iI replied beneath it. Could you post the link again please?
2000 usd for an mri??? Nonsense…here in my country an mri cost 300 dollars not more..too much greed…😐
While I absolutely understand that multiple diagnostic tests can help to protect a Vet against potential lawsuits, there is no real substitute for clinical expertise. Our pets are not science projects. Many tests can be traumatizing; sedation carries its own risks.
While I'm grateful for the ultrasound our GSD received that helped to locate and confirm her bladder CA, the "gold standard" isn't always the best path.
You are right, there need to be choices.
Thank you, Doctor Andrew. I would never pay excessive amount for a veterinarian. And you know what they do charge a lot. I've always been holisti. Went to school for that. I know all about nutrition and I carry that among my animals that I have my dogs I've had dog in my whole life. And I use raw food.Get great information from what you say and it works and number one I pray all the time and i do not beat my dog's joke.I have 4 dogs.I love them so much.They are my kids.God bless you for all your work
This is a bad take. If you worked in a practice 10 years ago you should know the industry isn't here to get rich off clients. I work with veterinary practices all day and everyone I know is trying to do the best they can. The trouble is you have to pay your staff well to keep them, costs are rising dramatically for everything including the land/building to have a practice. When your receptionist/csr can go to walmart or whole foods and get a 20/hr job why should they work in a practice making 14/hr? Techs and associates deserve to be paid for their skill, compassion and putting the blame on the practice isn't the way to do it. Veterinary School costs upward of 300K in today's market to become a vet. You have to pay enough to service the debt and pay for cost of living. This type of content isn't helpful to the industry and if you're upset about it please open a low cost practice and start helping the pet parents who need care.
my dog needed an ultrasound with biopsy for $2000. I took her home, made her comfortable then changed her diet, gave her filtered water, watched this show and got her on milk thistle and sam-e for her liver mass and 1 year and two months later she’s still running around and healthier than she was before.
Dr Jones you are an amazing vet
We need more like you I share all your videos with my grooming families and they are so excited to get them Thank you and God bless you
I just went through one in San Antonio by the name of mission Trail animal hospital and they charged over $900 To stabilize my cat and in about 2 hours I had to put my cat down and they charged me another $200 for that. I am totally traumatized by the experience. After my pets pass on, I will no longer Want to have Any These people Absolutely evil…
The vets are going to price themselves out of business. I think some of the old fashioned solutions are the best. Just like in human medicine, many treatments and meds may not be as good as the old fashioned stuff. Of course, acute issues like broken bones etc, have to be treated.
My older vets were able to diagnose without constantly recommending expensive diagnostics and referring to specialists….guardians need to know what is available but all options should be presented.
When I was young, it was normal for old people on government old age pensions to have a cat or a dog. Now, most ordinary old people cannot afford it, because of the prices of veterinary care. Eating out, going camping, having a pet used to be ordinary things, affordable to all. But even in the Netherlands all these things are now only for people with plenty of money.
I have had at least 1 pet every year of my life for 64 years. I did Animals rescue for 30 years. The change in Vet care in Canada means that I will never get another pet.
Vets are charging outrageous fees to pay for their big houses and fancy cars!!!
My dogs bill was 20k and they never diagnosed her, 4 weeks in a so called specialist hospital! I tried to mover twice but met resistance, a German vet helped me move her to a different hospital and they diagnosed her in 48 hours with a test the other hospital did several times! She had cancer and I had to put her to sleep 24 hours later 😢 another 5k 😢 wiped out my life savings, but I couldn't PTS because I had no idea what was wrong with her and it was never said she couldn't get better. Broke my heart in so many ways and destroyed my trust in vets, it was all about money! Thankfully the 2nd hospital helped us and my new dog is under an old school vet who is all about the animals! The first clinic is corporately owned, they own a number of our referral hospitals and I would never set foot in any of their clinics ever again, the whole experience was traumatic and I feel like my dog and I were an ATM, I feel they exploited my love for my dog and she suffered as a result.
Thank you for bringing up the topic. I don't want to be a bad person by not taking care of my pets but the vet prices are too extreme. This is the reason the pet population has exploded because the cost of spaying/neutering is ridiculous. People are just trying to pay rent. Pet health insurance policy is an option but that's still too high. Thankfully we have someone like you to turn to for information. ❤️
This is sad because more and more people are either choosing not to have a pet or are being forced to give up their pets. Sad for the pets and lonely people who could benefit from their company. I get expenses but vets are pricing themselves right out of business. People are not forced to have pets and probably won’t in many cases.
I have a neighbor who was told her dog needed X-rays for her dog’s kidney and then told her that her dog might need surgery for kidney stone. She was so upset cause she could not afford it. They put her dog on a different diet and antibiotics and the dog recovered from a urinary tract infection which was not kidney stones without any further complications! Thank you for all your great advice and tips! I share all with her and we’re grateful for your expertise!❤
Last 2 animals had their LAST jabs. Both were on the ground and never got up within 1 (one) hour and both had to be put down. Now we can't get in to see our old vet without ALL jabs up to date. Think we will have to leave it up to God to look after them.
The lawyers have taken over.
My dog just went in for a ear hematoma the size of my pinky and now it’s 3x that size
I'm very upset. I've just come home from being fleeced for 1 blood test, 1 urine test by the vet. It was my first visit and I'm disgusted. We came home with nothing, blood still coming through in urine, no pain meds, just fleeced till the next visit.
This message is for the pet parents: Never Ever leave your pet at the clinic without you being present or overnight
No one is even there to watch them ( I asked the clinic specifically) , they r alone & they might die without you
So take them home, it’s better for the pet to be at home than in clinic alone!
be aware if your vet isn't skilled enough to make an ACL diagnosis..!!!! Dont get caught right there!
I live in NYC. There are now what I call Boutique vet centers that I do not trust and do not recommend due to my last experience. The convenience is not worth the bill. The convenience is not worth the amount of tests only to come up with an unsure diagnosis. I love my old school Vets which are now hard to come by due to how quickly pet care has become a Business just like regular Human Care, This is why I DO NOT TRUST CHANGE.
Neutering a cat, $500. I cannot believe it! Removing a simple cyst on a leg, $600. Out of peoples ability to pay. Obviously too many Vets care very little for animals, just $$$$$.