People are awesome 2022 | Part 3

People are awesome 2022 | Part 3
Spread The Viralist

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the most amazing and craziest people in the world put in one compiliation part 3 insanly crazy tricks jumps flips etc.etx.pain fail,wins,epicwin


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About the Author: Valorous Music


  1. and why would u even answer my comment with sumtin like that. i just happen to say im not impressed with half ov these clips and u seem to take it personal. and btw no, i run fast as hell πŸ˜‰

  2. i dont see whats any impressive about half ov these clips :/ like that guy running past everyone else. everyone else is just running slow as fuck :/

  3. No need to be mean. But this is called skills because people who are awesome is everyone because everyone has a talent like these people they were practicing like everyday to make there "Skills" Good not perfect but they never gave up and Awesome is like Impossible tricks that only One person can do or more. That's awesome but this video is Skills! I'm so sorry but I just wanted to say it XD

  4. Song is with Nit Grit – Prituri Se Planinata or something, I can't fully remember it and can't look it up right now, type it in, you'll find it quickly enough !

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