Spread The Viralist

In tonight’s video we investigate shrewsbury jail with @DontScareClaire and its some of the most shocking paranormal activity we’ve ever caught there.
The night started off pretty slowly but then things happened that we cant explain….is it paranormal activity? come and watch us investigate this amazing prison and see what we caught on camera.

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#paranormal #paranormalactivity #haunted #ghost #ghosthunting


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About the Author: Exploring The Entity


  1. Why is the titles are always our best evidence ever its complete click bait. Its actually really really boring id rather watch grass grow

  2. Nice! The whistling was very interesting…didn't really sound like it was outside. I wonder if anyone recognises the tune. Claire being there is brilliant! Love her channel and having her give history on the jail was great! So glad to see her investigating with trusted teams.

  3. Don’t scare Clare, yay! I’m glad she’s getting more recognition she deserves it and she’s aligned herself with best! Jails are spooky af, they hold so much energy and it shows in the activity… well done! 👏🏻… 🎥 👻 💕

  4. What an amazing investigation…doors slamming…footsteps and that whistling. That was full on tune they were whistling. Brilliant guys..well done! I hope you go back there again

  5. Im soooo glad that claire mention the two excuted women as alot of ppl dont know and there crimes!!

    Did you know they hang ppl under the gatehouse before on top of the gatehouse….georgian times at Heath gates.pass ditherington. (Which we call divvy as that what prisoners did while going up to heath gates)…(divvy to the death)

    Then a shed behind the prison and gallow (5 excution in one day) then under the gatehouse and then on top and then in what was called the morgue room.(excution room)

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