10 Most Disturbing Things Caught on Doorbell Camera Footage

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Here are 10 of the Most Disturbing Things Caught on Doorbell Camera Footage. These are some of the most disturbing, creepy, shocking and scary things caught on Door Bell Camera Footage ( Scary Doorbell Camera Videos , Scariest Door Bell Camera Footage , Disturbing Videos From Around the Internet , Most Terrifying Doorbell Camera Videos on the Internet ).

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Not 8 Most Disturbing Things Caught on Dashcam Footage or 6 Disturbing Videos From Around the Internet or 3 Terrifying TRUE School Lockdown Horror Stories but 10 Most Disturbing Things Caught on Doorbell Camera Footage


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About the Author: Chilling Scares


  1. 06:08 it does not become invisible and is not transparent.

    this is just a problem with security camera's and the way the footage is stored.
    to make a video file smaller, pixels that don't move won't be saved.
    so area's that don't have movement for a verry long time, sometimes do not get registered that there was movement there and it doesn't save it. it just like normally uses the data from an earlyer capture.

  2. That old woman with the knife is on mars rn with how much shit is clearly going through her head, definitely a crackhead I’m guessing, or it could be she’s suffering from memory loss, not sure.

  3. If I see you on my cameras at night, or hear you at my door at night, you can bet I’ll have a gun in my hand and also that I’m not opening that door unless it’s a cop with a warrant, family, or close friend.

  4. When I was thirteen my grandma caught a kidnapping on her ring camera it was so scary it still bothers me he escaped and ran to my grandma's door to enter to get free but we weren't home and he tries running to get under one of our cars and the kidnapper runs out of their car grabs him and throws him in you could hear his screams

  5. For some reason I will not attach a camera out there at the garden gate. Some years ago people threw an ugly gruesome doll head over the fence… 😢 might have to do with my job.

  6. When I was in 5th grade my friend and I would walk to her house every day after school and stay home alone for a couple hours until her dad got home. One day we noticed this old looking truck kept driving by us. Being really young and thinking nothing of it we continued to walk to her house. About an hour after we got there we heard someone knock on the door and my friend looked at me and said I think your grandpa is here? Me being really confused went over to look and it was not my grandfather or anyone either of us knew I noticed it was the same truck that was driving by and realized he must have followed us home and waited to make sure no adult was there before he came and knocked on the door. We immediately started screaming and the old man was pounding on the door trying to open it (thankfully it was locked) he then proceeded to come over to the window and look in and try and open that too. Her and I ran to the kitchen grabbed a cooler & filled it with every knife we could find and locked ourselves in her room. We then called her dad who proceeded to call the police.
    He eventually took off and nothing ever came of it. Her and I were completely traumatized after that

  7. Im from Cambodia my brother lives in the united stage he told me a random guy popped up out of nowhere Infront of his house staring straight at the door bell camera sending down chills down his spine and his homies it was a very tall guy with pale skin bald and big eyes and hes very skinny my brother said that he barely look human the way he moves and everything they were creeped out he said that "bro theres some random dude infront of my house last night looking so fucking scary as shit and it asked if it could come in and taste my skin my homies thought its a joke so he brushed it off but the next day the face was Infront of my house with a knife on the floor and a dead cat decapitated we called the fucking cops cause aint no way im dying today man" and the guy got arrested eventually

  8. I had a neighbor. He was an alcoholic addict. We had a ring doorbell and now we don’t. This occurred about a year ago. (Not really as creepy as these) He had a rock and was trying to break in. He was drunk. My dog Max was barking and that woke me and my family all up. We checked the footage. We heard he broke in other homes and actually got in. So glad we were safe because i slept downstairs.

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