Man dies & finds out reasons GOD ALLOWS SUFFERINGS, PAINS and EVILS on Earth!

Man dies & finds out reasons GOD ALLOWS SUFFERINGS, PAINS and EVILS on Earth!
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Man dies & finds out reasons GOD ALLOWS SUFFERINGS, PAINS and EVILS on Earth!
“Zach had a Near Death Experience at the age of 14 while in the midst of treatment for leukemia where he encountered a deceased relative. His experience initiated him into asking further questions about life and death, the nature of suffering, why we suffer, and why we’re here. Years later, Zach began having more out of body experiences as well as unintended channelings that further helped him understand his NDE and revealed answers to those questions.

Zach works as a health & wellness coach, Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) practitioner, exercise physiologist, speaker and writer. As a result of his NDE and later experiences, Zach realized his life purpose and mission: help others remember their deepest hearts, the deepest place within themselves, that aspect of them that is Infinite, Divine, Oneness.

Zach has made it his promise to be an example to others, to inspire them to search within the depths of their soul to realize their Inner Light, the I AM Presence. And once this Light is recognized, to live the lives that we know are meant for us in all aspects.”


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About the Author: Life After Life NDE


  1. I’ve been angry with God , I’ve been going thru something since January 2018 , This really really evil person have put some bad energy on me & I’ve been praying every since I mean praying & praying & praying & when people told me just praying won’t work and that I had to go see someone like what was put on me I couldn’t believe that & I refuse to I feel like if I believe in God why do I have to go to anything else for help And I didn’t and continued to pray but nothing has change only got worse and still getting worse so for the first time I’ve literally been confuse about God and for the last month One day I’m praying and the next day I refuse to pray and I’ve been questioning everything about God becus as long as I’ve been calling on him I have never heard not even A peep frm him & these evil people get to continue to go on with there life while I’m at rock bottom praying to my God I’m angry lately & I feel stupid becus I don’t want to give up on God so if I don’t pray today and feel like I want to give up on God the next day I’m asking god to forgive me for my lack of faith and my questing thoughts about him But what am I suppose to do when I dnt hear him back and my situation is not changing & I dnt want to go out there and do nothing stupid I refuse to and all I want is to get my life together, Be a good man A great father spread love love love help people in need just want to do Good things serve my purpose , I just don’t understand it’s been to long . I don’t feel like God is hearing me & I blame my self , like maybe I’m not praying right , maybe I’m asking for to much , maybe I’m not asking it the right way , maybe I deserve this just all these thoughts 💭. I really don’t know but so much stress is built up in my head I literally blow up frm the smallest things and it’s so much angry that’s comes out like A ticking Bomb 💣 ready to explode 🤯 I’ve been holding on all I want to do is get my life back together and do great things but I can’t come up out of this whole all I need is this small financial break thru to get to work and start getting my self together I can’t even get that .

  2. I have lost my sister due to cancer recently. Since then Ive been watching NDE videos to make sure that my sister is somewhere good. what was said in this video was just so heartwarming to me and made me feel a lot better. i have always been stressed and worried about my sister's health since she got the diagnosis and felt deep sorrow because I couldn't do much for her. knowing that she has no pain and is in the best form helps me survive…

  3. I do not believe that NDE are our brain's way of coping with Death. That is a certainty to me.I wish I could believe in God. But I am not yet convinced.

  4. Chuck/God: The gathering storm this is like Abraham and Issac this is epic! Rabbi Tovia Singer: No. Not this time. And it's not like you actually care! Because you know Derek is right the apocalypse the first go around so why the games Chuck huh? Why the games Chuck huh? Why the games?

  5. I’m sorry to tell you bro, but you didn’t have a good NDE! When you cross over, you experience JESUS CHRIST or Satan. When you experience Satan, you come back and say you’ve seen family members but not JESUS CHRIST. Then you come back and give recognition to a “spiritual experience”. If you don’t come back with the fear of hell, or the hunger for JESUS CHRIST, you’ve been fooled by Satan into believing that everyone goes to a happy place when we die. If you die in sin, you WILL GO TO HELL! If you don’t believe in JESUS CHRIST and be born of water and spirit, YOU WILL GO TO HELL! Meditation is for witchcraft. Prayer to THE FATHER is for THE FATHER!

  6. Hollywood want to see real reptiles and Dracos hang around ME on I, Pet Goat Vineland. Usually 20 million encircle Jesus Christ. Shriver Air Force supports Reptilians and Draco Aliens . Humans are their food and They work for Los Angeles California City. Shriver Air Force pumps Mind Control , Even Burbank Airport New Wing Dedicated to in planet Kill Obama's People all over Earth. AI was sold from Argentina. Anti Black effort by Reptilians and Dracos to eradicate all African Black. Right Pentagon? Or Biden. You are in full knowledge?

  7. Lucifer's Rebellion
    Lucifer's rebellion lasted two hundred thousand years until its final exhaustion.
    We can see in the world of Urantia the harmful consequences of this rebellion
    on its inhabitants, who only asked to live and be happy.
    By wanting to accelerate evolution, which must occur gradually, Lucifer introduced the
    principle of temptation, a principle which consists of setting traps.
    He will associate the strongest and will reduce in bondage the weakest.
    It is a principle that lacks love.
    This house, divided against herself, collapsed.
    ( today we are witnessing this general collapse )
    The universe is evolving and we are gradually moving from the Supreme level,
    at the Ultimate level of Cosmic Reality.
    ( level that transcends time and space )
    My Father wanted to demonstrate to the whole great universe that any rebellion against
    His Will was doomed to failure from the start and could not succeed.
    All the Supreme Creators have seen, that all Systemic Sovereigns see and that every
    Planetary Prince sees, the end of a rebellious Prince, who fell in love with himself, who
    refused the forgiveness of his Creator and who dared to cast out his house,
    He who came to save all men.
    Caligastia, fallen planetary Prince of Urantia has been judged and he was
    ( terminated )

  8. Ok well ive had enough suffering. Ive had enough… im not gonna stay here if it continues you catch my drift? Ive asked for it to stop for months now when it gonna stop

  9. Thought The LORD would be Glorified in this video😢. He was an after thought in the end. 😢. I hope you find out He is The only way, He is The way The Truth and The life, no man comes to The Father but by him. We meditate on His word only, we dont open up our mind to deceiving spirits as followers of Yeshua/ Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

  10. Im not sure if this will be seen but my hope for humanity is that we can live without wars, famine, greed, ego, and that we can enjoy day by day with what we can. I know death is inevitable and theres still likely premature death but it would be great if everyone can surrender into love and be kind to all while we can. With love ❤

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