Near Death Experiences Are More Real Than This World

Near Death Experiences Are More Real Than This World
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26 stories from near death experiencers discussing how vivid and real their NDE’s are compared to the physical reality we experience as humans.

00:00 Andrea Courey
00:55 Richard Kelley
03:39 Nancy Rynes
06:23 Deborah King
07:42 Wayne Morrison
08:46 Nicole DeVito
10:59 Paul Edler
13:13 David Ditchfield
14:52 Adam Tapp
15:44 Amanda Wideman
16:33 Cherie Sutherlands
17:37 Bill
18:31 Sondra Boyd
19:15 Alan Hugenot
20:09 Eben Alexander
23:09 Jane Thompson
23:44 Tricia Barker
24:54 Venia Hill
25:42 Unkown
26:28 Anita Moorjani
27:09 Dave Breidenbach
27:38 Jeff Olsen
28:10 Barbara Whitfield
28:35 Anastasia Moellering
29:55 Nadia McCaffrey
32:35 Reinee Pasarow


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About the Author: NDE Compilations


  1. 🤍 I have been taken out of or left this body and those experiences have changed my life…they were more real than this experience…my mind had a challenging time integrating those experiences…but yes it was like it happened yesterday…I'm right here with you loves 😘 ty for being brave and sharing with us…I'm still working up the confidence in sharing 😘 but yes I now have remembered I'm whole and have always been whole…we are spirit always have been always will be 🤍infinite and timeless everything and nothing all at the same time 🤍

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