From weird footage that might show a ghost caught on camera to a scary video of a strange creature filmed at night, we look at weird footage you must see! #Weird #Scary #SlappedHam
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7. A security camera in the United States was able to record an apparently invisible ship… https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5OaALSuE0d/?id=3336718735262633245_60043786532&fbclid=IwAR0A7BVYfJYWBXNVSrDTnUXqXG88M16FSCS8QdObUj9E6dXqnrqv7yrubus
6. what is this 🤔?… https://www.tiktok.com/@johnboyscreepycontent2/video/7144609874008345902
5. Dave Lee https://drive.google.com/file/d/11CoZUhIviOfUeHwSAMnNfjKf45GZq2ih/view
4. Ghost spotted on a photo from 1942. This poster writes . . . https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=446171884600056&set=a.169482868935627
3. Dog was going off out back a few month ago jumped on the camera and could this orb in back yard https://www.facebook.com/aaron.lords.5/videos/475676184787501?idorvanity=205359135114392
2. Maria https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vWQihSWf6oDe9ntNfBUkZ1UBbyx53Pa1/view
1. Shaelynn K https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AQ2wV0-rndn2RYSG7FLidCCHaITdyfUH/view
Abandoned Wires
By Hawea
Muffled Thunder
By Bill Ferngren
Arbitrary Treatment
By Prozody
By Bonnie Grace
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
#6 Maybe the alien lost the keys to their spaceship in the long grass! 😁 👽
My brother a Christ, why the heck you title “Weird Footage you must see!” when 3/4 the damn video are photos!
4:05 Have you got it on 1080p and looked at the eyes and nose. It's seriously demonic. No way that's a person just bulging their eyes out with a creepy grin and odd features.
1:35 He is the ghost of a parachutist and he leaves his house.
2:35 He is a crazy boy who believes himself to be an alien.
3:50 It's a ghostly photobomb.
5:24 It is another family member or a well-disguised intruder.
In the original photo, a face was visible in the darkness of the window.
7:27 Before the orb disappears, another one appears in front of it.
8:00 What a good camouflage.
10:57 If it weren't for the paranormal, I'd say it's a beautiful photomontage.
I've seen paranormal investigators on shows on tv. If they go to a house and see or hear something… they're gone. They crap themselves and get out real quick.
Regurgitated Content.
The first video is from a dashcam. It was captured in Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States.
watching slapped ham while eating ham.
Where is the comments section? Is it ……………………… Down Below ……………………………………..?????????????????????
It looks like it is climbing down a ladder, the first clip.
It's ADL Supremacist, biased anti White ham!
Isn't it ironic that the figure is always blurry? 🤔
#2 = owl on fence post. 🦉
The falling light is Angels happily skipping along !! 🙏💜
Reading these comments — Does anyone listen to what is said or do y’all just look at the pictures?
Actually pay attention and there won’t be so many questions in the comments!!
Always a awesome to watch Slapped Ham video
Lots of good feeguhs in this one!
If my phone camera was that blurred, I'd get a new phone.
So why are these vids always fuzzy, with camera tech these days every vid should be clear.
#1. Could be a motion camera 🤳
The birthday photo ghost was definitely someone in the house with them.
Both women have icing on their faces….
My theory of the orb floating in video 3- Backyard oddity looks like a soap bubble and when the two bugs fly by, they cause it to pop. And thats why it appears to disappear.
@ 9.11 mark there appears to be a figure in the left window, wearing a white shirt and tie. Very similar to the oddity/ghost appearing above the roof. Same person?
These were videos were certainly very interesting. I think the one with the pink profile is what captured me, as I've never seen anything like that on the net. The one thing I did see years back was a photo of car that had been in an accident, and an image of the young man who died in the accident could be seen on the drivers door, almost like a reflection except it was much to large, to be a normal refection.
I want to look like fred Roberts 9:06 when i am a ghost
Security cameras that are set up outside on bldgs don’t follow moving items. So that white light that was moving, wouldn’t have been followed by the camera.
Jerome, AZ is very haunted so I’m not surprised about that strange figure in the photo!
Can we get through a whole episode without the word "skinwalker" being used?
Alien 😂
With the camera technology we have now, WHY is it that SO much of this 'ghost
footage' is shaky, out of focus, or both ?! LOL
The light was going to work at the mall for the next day.
Ooo, some interesting videos, Slapped Ham 👍
In my investigations I have found many orbs that are not dust, bugs or lens flares. Orbs can change direction quickly, go against wind and make sounds if close to the mic on a camera. Often I’ve heard a swishing sound when reviewing my night shot videos. I’ve been told by some researchers that upon slowing down or speeding up these swishing sounds, words can be heard. I’ve seen on night shot videos orbs following people. Those very solid orbs as the one seen in your backyard video, are spirit energy. This conclusion I’ve come to by many experiences. And dust can easily be spotted and deciphered from true orbs. Kind Thanks and Many Blessings! DaveyJO in Pennsylvania
Although the first video was very intriguing, critics are correct to question how the security camera happen to follow the object. The one video looks like the famous Fresno nightcrawler. All of the ghost photos were very impressive. thanks for the clips everyone!
Shut up what the he ll. Is that creepy 😊
The scariest was the face in window. Looked again & can see another face on left of face in window.
People who fake reality never will see true reality ?
That first clip almost looks like someone climbing down a rope like out of a helicopter or something then sneaking away 😳
Ho hum…first clip is a spider making a web on the camera;the movement of makes gives it away. Because it's so close to the lens,the auto focus will try and track it,but the resolution isn't high enough to sharpen the image,hence the blur. Sorry. 😉
I've been watching some of your videos from 4 and 5 yrs ago and I can't believe you've hardly changed. What's your secret? 😂
I If the first video is from a security camera, even if it is motion sensitive and automatically follows the light, which is in itself doubtful, why is there no time/date stamp?
That Mysteries narrator sounds very similar to Casey Kasem. He could totally pull off Cliffjumper or Bluestreak.
Hi kallen & 🐽Crew
Keep up the good Scary
The old lady in the old picture was smoking a cigarette!
2nd one looks like an out of focus crane that walked off at the end.
Surprised reel
The alien one is a fake it flickers in the beginning
Gray Creature Is Sniffing For Farts
The glowing orb is a firefly that just glowing. Simple explanation.