Woman Dies from Abusive Relationship : God Shows Her How to Leave (Near-Death Experience)

Woman Dies from Abusive Relationship : God Shows Her How to Leave (Near-Death Experience)
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Barbara Bartolome shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring during surgery to repair a back injury she suffered at the hands of an abusive husband. During her encounter on the Other Side, she describes being wrapped in a beautiful blanket of love and shares what it was like to feel Absolute Acceptance in the presence of God. Barbara also talks about the strength her Near-Death Experience gave her to change her Life once she returned to her body and how she stays in Contact with the Other Side every day.

“When you open the door to the Other Side, it’s amazing how they’ll come through for you in so many instances” – Barbara Bartolome

*Content Warning* This video describes some instances of Domestic Abuse. Please be advised

*Additional Resources*
International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) ⇨ https://www.iands.org/
Near-Death Research Foundation (NDERF) ⇨ https://www.nderf.org/
(IANDS) Santa Barbara ⇨ https://www.iandssb.com/

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  1. I believe I was beaten for 17 years by my husband to make me a Stronger soul. I got out, Alive! After my divorce, he still tries to apologize after decades of being married to him. I've moved on, found my true purpose, my true soulmate

  2. yea thst fake need love .. oh if you ladies out there have a msn sho loves walking with you and reslly is into things with you wow thsts great your rich …

  3. Kudos to you for enlightening scientific based medical personnel to the reality of God. So much arrogance in the medical community, eliminating all belief in faith, God and the afterlife

  4. When she said, “and I realize he was the person I was writing about 30 years after he still is that person”… I had incredible goosebumps all over my body, and my tears just started in my eyes..

  5. Y'all please vote me into Congress. I promise that I'll tell em all off every chance I get! I don't even want to be paid! I'll do it for free!

  6. Everyone please pray for the devil to be gone from me forever and to never come back. It would mean the world to me if the devil is removed from me forever and never returns. I don’t like the devil. I love God and Jesus Christ ♥️

  7. Can I please ask everyone here this question which would help me greatly understand what happens to these angry people who take their frustrations out of their loved ones? How does God help them improve or punish them . A lot of abusive people were abused themselves when little or their mind is sick and they can't hold back. So are these evil people put on earth to challenge us? But then that would make the kids you have with them half evil too? So in other words what happens to violent people when they die? My other question is also about how we hurt people and when we die we feel the pain we caused, sometimes people hurt with words and they don't realise their impact. How are you supposed to apologise for something you didn't mean to cause. This is a beautiful story and I am so glad you were able to live a happy and fulfilling life. Noone should ever be so abusive. I am sorry it happened to you and to everyone else.

  8. I'm happy that in the end you got what you always deserved. God blessed you with the perfect man. May the rest of your days bring joy, peace, and love.

  9. I can't believe these doctors and everyone else wouldn't bother asking questions. I know I'd be talking to her as much as I can to understand what she went through. God bless she's ok

  10. While this is a beautiful experience. I will admit that the idiot Dr that said "Oh brother!" when she came back into her body would have been met with a very different response from me
    "No sir excuse you! You're staff just dropped the ball and you are going to pull attitude like you're the one being inconvenienced?!" Really??! How convenient that the entire mishap was just afterwards quietly swept under the rug and there was nothing on the chart about it…hmmm….
    it sadly also speaks of her emotional conditioning from being in an abusive relationship for years that she did not stand up for her rights to the idiot Dr nor demand that someone be held responsible. That little mishap almost cost her her life she had the right to at least know what happened but instead she accepted how they treated it at the hospital and buried her experience.
    I'm very glad to hear that she finally did get the courage to leave, the abusive relationship she was in. Restraining orders don't always work with abusive situations but I'm happy for her that it did help her finally leave. That she found love and that she has lived a life full of love and joy since.

  11. This is the most beautiful NDE I ever listened to. I was in a domestic violence relationship for about 10 years and it almost killed me. When I changed my life I was able to finally keep me and my son safe. I felt like I was somehow doing something wrong but it was just a new feeling for me. A feeling of freedom.

  12. I also was in an abusive relationship, and left my son's dad after he was passed out. Otherwise, he needs would have let me leave. I also made a list of what I wanted in my next husband. I would occasionally look at it to reaffirm it. I eventually married the man with the same traits I had asked for. It's hard to believe, and it may take time, but it works.

  13. I needed this soooooo much coming from 2 domestic violence relationships and mental abuse makes you think you're the problem. I'm a happy friendly respectful person and sometimes I feel it's a curse but I really was touched by this lady. She really spoke to me in so many ways

  14. These NDE experiencers sure do have amazing memories. Is she promoting her book? An x ray tech who was pushing the wrong button how did she know that? How do you push the 'wrong' button doing the same thing over and over again. What a bunch of hog wash. Boomers love lieing as much as they love money

  15. This is a real NDE! She said certain trigger words that many do not know because so many do not realize our spirit/soul us much older than our flesh bodies.

  16. I can see that you are a beautiful and wonderous soul, one that God can use to manifest his love unto others and to show his loving kindness. Thank you so much for imparting your NDE with us. You explained it with such clarity and intelligence. You are letting us know not to fear death, but to look forward to being in the loving arms of Jesus. God bless you and your family.

  17. I watched my god daughter last week getting chest compression right in front of me she passed i feel so much at peace knowing she went to a beautful place 🙏 ❤

  18. Barbara, this is my 2nd or 3rd time I've listened to your NDE and am SO happy for you, for your knowing that we DO see our loved ones on the Other Side, that they can hear our thoughts, our connection with friends, parents, and pets; keeping us headed on the right path. In spite of the Doctor's disbelief, perhaps you helped put him on a path that someday, some way he would recognize that experience as a gift. Thank you for taking the time to share this. Love to you and your lovely family.

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