Santiago is in chaos! Storms and flash floods submerged people, homes and vehicles in Dominica

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Santiago is in chaos! Storms and flash floods submerged people, homes and vehicles in Dominica

The President of the Dominican Republic, Louis Abator, issued decree No. 311 on Friday, declaring a state of regional disaster due to the damage and effects caused by the storm that swept through the Caribbean country

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Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports throughout the world, including: storm, tornado, flood, flash floods, earthquake, heavy rain, hail, hail storm, wind storm, climate change, weather warning, volcano, cyclone, bad weather, weather news today, compilation of natural disasters, natural disasters caught on camera


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  1. Invito di cuore gli Uomini a credere al Vangelo, affinché trovino salvezza. Non rendete inutile per voi il sacrificio di Gesù: lasciatevi salvare. Cercate Dio e lo troverete; fatevi amare e vivrete. Il Padre desidera la conversione di tutti affinché tutti possano essere felici in eterno: tornate a Lui con tutto il cuore, ed Egli vi abbraccerà con tanto amore.

  2. Seems the weather, floods, earthquakes, volcanos, etc. are all in chaos around the world, and here we are at the beginning of hurricane season. I need to buy an inflatable boat and learn how to build a tree house. God is good. Problems make us stronger and teach us compassion. Stock up on food, everyone. This is going to continue. The wildfires haven't even gotten started yet, either.

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