Vicious Dog Fight 3

Vicious Dog Fight 3
Spread The Viralist

CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION. This may be difficult for some to watch. Do not press play if you do not want to see dogs acting out aggression for dominance. The male German Shepherd in this video is showing aggression to his daughter, his own bloodline. He did not intend to kill her, only frighten her into submission. Once this was established, there were no further issues.


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About the Author: Admin


  1. Storyboard Artists
    Bob McKnight
    Tom Nesbitt
    Trevor Wall
    Gary Hurst
    Charles E. Bastien
    Dan Haskett
    Bob MILLER
    Ted Collyer
    David Earl
    Brian LEE
    Bill Wray
    Jun Falkenstein
    John Flagg
    Laura Shepherd
    Doug Thoms
    Luc Latulippe
    Tom Bancroft
    Adam Van WYK
    Ian Freedman
    Dave Pemberton
    Dave Bennett
    Chris Hicks
    Chris Hamilton
    John Fountain
    Chris Reccardi

  2. That was NOT a fight at all for people wondering. That was a correction, It is perfectly normal. The puppy overstepped boundaries, The older dog corrected it. If puppies do not get corrected, It can be bad later in life.

  3. That was not right hitting that poor dog, it's was just trying to correct the pups behavior. Look up the dog breed or having a dog in general before getting one

  4. the adult didnt even hurt the pup, just corrected its behavior! you can see the adult just barked at the puppy and sorta pinned it, and the pup overreacted sorta lol. This isnt a fight though.

  5. Stop hitting your dog after he corrects the puppy,your dog will start to not trust you and start growling when u do

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