Kansas, USA is in chaos! Storms and giant 5-inch hail destroyed houses and vehicles

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Kansas, USA is in chaos! Storms and giant 5-inch hail destroyed houses and vehicles

There were reports of hail as high as 4 inches or 10 centimeters, roughly the size of a softball, in Hoxy and hail as high as 3 inches or 7.6 centimeters in some areas of Kansas. Descriptions of hail range from the size of golf balls and apples to softballs and baseballs.

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Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports around the world, including: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, flash floods, earthquakes, heavy rains, hail, hail storms, windstorms, climate change, weather warnings, volcanoes, tornadoes, bad weather, today’s weather news, summary of natural disasters, natural disasters recorded by cameras


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About the Author: New Newspaper Today


  1. Killer hail….destroying everything in sight….severe weather all the time now…..this is the “Abrupt Catastrophic Climate Change” at work….coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

  2. This is sensational clickbait — most of the videos are from Texas and Oklahoma — recorded years ago. Listen to the A.I. voice changer and the generic script. This is clickbait.

  3. Lebo celý svet leží v moči toho zlého tento svet ide od horšiemu horšiemu a bude ešte horšie lebo ľudia budú mať peniaze ale nebudú si mať čo kúanipiť bude hlad všetko zjnije pod vodou nebude nič je to napísané sofonias 3:17

  4. The Bible says that calamities will increase in size, and frequency, like a woman’s birth pains as the day approaches. Praise God thank you Jesus as these prophetic predictions come to pass. As they were predicted thousands of years ago proving the correctness of the Bible 😊

  5. The Almighty God's Wrath has been continuing around the United States of America.
    It's NOT going to stop soon. As you sow, so shall you reap. Good luck with it. 😊

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