This NEW Yokai Taming Game is AWESOME! | Yaoling: Mythical Journey Demo

This NEW Yokai Taming Game is AWESOME! | Yaoling: Mythical Journey Demo
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Yaoling Mythical Journey’s demo is now live!

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End Screen Music: Coromon Ice Mountain Theme

God Tier Patrons:
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-Jim Hamilton
-Candy Morency

#yaoling #creaturecollector #monstertamer #yokaiwatch #monstertaming #pokemon


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About the Author: Gym Leader Ed


  1. If you try this game on release and if the feature is still there, click on the icon of the yaos you have at shrines to see their stats. You can also click on wild yaos before a battle to see their stats to see if their traits are what you want. They are kind of like pals in terms of positive and negative traits.

  2. This game looks pretty good actually, loving the artwork and interesting gameplay, definitely one I will be purchasing upon release I think! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I almost read it as yokai watch lol.
    With unique battle systems and cartoonist art style the game can be good inspiration for another indie game to make monster tamer.
    I like if a genre have variant battle systems and not only turn base.
    Also this can make it more stand out as a game genre than just RPG with monster in it.

  4. I might be more picky, I don't see something often that quite get's the look that I prefer or like Nexomon I'm so on the fence that I can't decite if I can overlook one weakness for another strength.

  5. Directors cut means nothing. Its literally the same exact game & if they're trying to double dip NO ONE WILL DO IT. Witcher 3 did a directors cut for free called "Complete Edition", so you're wrong about trying to use ghost of tsushima as an example, Death Stranding also did a recent Directors Cut. Deus Ex Revolution also gave their Directors cut out for free to the original owners. They will never resell it, For crying out loud even Skyrim gave their Special Edition out to original skyrim owners on PC (If you already own Skyrim and all the DLC, you will automatically receive the Special Edition for free on October 28, 2016.). Anything less than FREE to the owners is UNACCEPTABLE. Period. All a Directors cut will do is include content they cut and now going to re-add to the game.

  6. i almost used up all my charms that way too but I figured it out before i completely ran out =p also i just realized that the named Yaolings u get at the start at the shrine had different names than the ones I got… wooooow

  7. check out the updates on beasty ball too, im not sure if there is an NDA (didnt see anything about it, but better safe than sorry :P). It is… awesome. New take on everything and it works great.

  8. This popped on my notification when I was searching for cult of the lamb-like games. Granted this that similar to it. This is still a pretty awesome suggestion! Thanks!

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