We Have PROVEN The Afterlife đŸ”Ŧ- Near Death Experiences (NDE)

We Have PROVEN The Afterlife đŸ”Ŧ- Near Death Experiences (NDE)
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New York Times bestselling author Paul Perry is a knight in Portugal’s Order of Saint Michael of the Wing, the oldest order of knighthood on the Iberian Peninsula. He started his own production company in 2005 with the goal of making innovative documentary films that matter.

His films have aired internationally and include such topics as near-death experiences, visions and miracles, the childhood of Jesus in Egypt, a History Channel presentation on the pirates of Madagascar, and most recently, a biographical documentary about artist Salvador Dali.

Perry is the co-author of four New York Times bestsellers, including Evidence of the Afterlife, Closer to the Light, Transformed by the Light and Saved by the Light, which was made into a popular movie by Fox-TV.

His latest books, Glimpses of Eternity: Sharing a Loved One’s Passage from this Life to the Next, and Paranormal: My Life In Pursuit of the Afterlife, are the fourth and fifth books he has co-written with Dr. Raymond Moody, the founder of near death studies.



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We are eternal spiritual beings. We never die! Only our bodies die. We are not our bodies! This life is precious and AMAZING and meant to be lived without fear and to the fullest! This is the most important message in the world right now! If you enjoy this video, please like, comment, subscribe and hit the bell for all notifications. It really helps me grow the channel so we can get the important message that ever existed out to as many people as possible. Love and Light!

If you have had a Near-Death Experience or Spiritually Transformative Experience and would like to share your story on my podcast, send an email to tiareneepodcast@gmail.com

Tia Renee does not endorse any of the guests or their products. The views expressed are not necessarily the views of Tia Renee.

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About the Author: Tia Renee


  1. I, too, have had a shared death experience. It was the day I lost my only son. It was one of the saddest days of my life đŸ˜ĸ. What happened to me defies the laws of nature. Life is so sad at times and different for me!!

  2. Generally, I find it extremely difficult that some soul would choose to live a harsh, painful existence here! Think of the horrible conditions and circumstances that some people live under: from being a young child who's crippled from birth, or someone who's trafficked, a starving child in Gaza, who gets a leg amputated. I mean, how can something like that help a soul advance? These things I simply can't believe!

  3. Thank you! I loved this interview and have another book I need to read. And I love that you shared some of your experiences too. 💜✨

  4. "Only the Creator Can Save You

    Already in a grave calamity, yet you cannot see
    Only by returning to tradition can you be saved and washed clean
    You are harming yourself with modern notions and conduct
    The red demon deceives you with atheism and evolution
    Formation, stability, degeneration, and disintegration are laws—the cosmos is dissolving
    Humans and Gods are all in danger, no one feels secure
    Most people are Gods incarnate, coming here to take refuge
    Awaiting the Creator to renew the cosmos and save all beings
    In colossal danger, only He can save you, none can compare

    December 10, 2017"
    Master Li Hongzhi (Hong Yin VI, from Falun Dafa teachings)

  5. You are a creation of God's mind.Your mother didn't conceive your body she conceived your mind. The 'I Am'. The mind creates the body in the womb.The mind controls the body, everything else is a tool. The mind is eternal, always connected to God, unless the bond is broken in your mind.

  6. According to Biblical writings this is WHAT Jesus had to say about HEAVEN… From "The Gospel [ ACCORDING TO ] John" , in chapter 3, verse 13, Quote; And NO man hath ascended up to HEAVEN, but he that came down from HEAVEN, even The SON of MAN WHICH, ( NOT Who ) is in HEAVEN… There is a very good reason for Him saying this. According to "The Book of Genesis" in Chapter 1, The writing plainly tells us, everything that exists in HEAVEN, from this Universe to the Earth and all its Species… The human body is Already in HEAVEN, so how can the human body ascend into HEAVEN, IF the human body is already in HEAVEN ???

    Note; Jesus also refers to The SON of MAN as being "WHICH is in Heaven", NOT WHO is in Heaven…

    Jesus is NOT the SON of MAN ! The SON of MAN is "The Core Processor" of The SOUL, which is a Component ( a Terminal ) of "The Processing System of LIFE"…

    The CONFUSION between The ADAM Species and MAN which is The SOUL ( NOT the human body ) has been through the SCRIBES Bastardizing the writings…

    At the End of the last century I, "LIFE The Real Self" ( NOT The Human Body ) went to "The Marriage Supper of The Lamb"… I also witnessed "The Birth of The MAN Child", ( which took about seven hours ) mentioned in "The Revelation" chapter 12… And as Promised I, "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT the human entity ) now resides in "The HOUSE of GOD" !

    So, I have no need to guess, imagine, or Believe in what others imagine what HEAVEN to be because I, "LIFE The Real Self" dwell in "The HOUSE of GOD" !…

    What you call "HEAVEN", is actually The DISPLAY REGISTER of "The Processing System of LIFE"…

    My daily activities involves me in Programming, NOT the Programming those experiencing the Earth / human program refer to..

    I know the Structure of "The HOUSE of GOD", Its Mansions as biblical writings refer to them…

    I also know the Construct of Both "The New Jerusalem" as referred to biblically, referred to by as "The City of Nine Gates", in "The Acts of Peter and the twelve Apostles"..

    What is referred to as a City/s is/are NOT the Cities humans build, but instead involves "The Processing System of LIFE"…

    To Date, John B. the Avatar I experience, has drawn and collected more the half a Million Geometric Drawings, revealing the Structure of "The HOUSE of GOD" which involves "The Processing System of LIFE", its Language and HOW it all works…

    I am about to show the Opening of "The Book" ( mentioned in The Revelation ) that no human on Earth is able to release the Seals, and Read the Book…

    So What many imagine the City/s is/are is just nonsense… Much of this knowledge I have uploaded onto Google… as just an introduction…

    The main problem is, the human species is "Envious of LIFE", and wants LIFE, because the Species is NOT LIFE… It is "LIFE The Real Self", that is "The LIVING One", as it is an Offspring and Child of "The LIGHT", which is "The LIFE of GOD" ! The human species wanting to be Life is like asking your TV to be LIFE !

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