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About the Author: CNN


  1. Hello Hello ! here is my problem, please share …..I have been harassed since 1997/98. My father's cousins consider me a foreigner and poor because they are rich and know billionaires…. These cousins are also involved in French intelligence services. These cousins are from the Lopez family, their families are in the Sommières region, in the Gard, in the south of France, in Vauvert the CER lopez … They also have a large gang in France and a large community… I was to marry a cousin of theirs, from the Sommières region in the Gard department, a girl called Frédérique Rouffiange. I refused to mate with her in 1997. That's when the harassment started…. I spoke to several of these harassers and some of them told me they were with the intelligence … help me if you can! Share .please help me to leave France.
    Please help me leave this country of traitors and cowards! Help me please ! Please help me ! Help me leave this country! Help me leave this country!

  2. yet another clear signs of climate change…..
    Come on sheeple, acknowledge these clear facts!
    & don’t listen to that dam fool “drill baby drill” ect.
    Dump da t’Rump & ASAP, the world is watching USA & in horror 😱

  3. is Knee deep already Life Threatening to you guys??? in my country, Knee deep is like a walk in the park…..and by the way, Knee deep does not require you to swim and stay afloat in order to survive…unlike in my country where there are areas wherein the water goes as high enough to submerge the first floor of a 2 storey house…

  4. Just wait. The hurricanes and tropical storms haven't come yet. Whether people believe weather patterns changing are manmade or natural is irrelevant. The glaciers are melting, and water temps throughout the world are changing. Water levels are increasing. More rain in some areas. There is no rain in other areas. What matters is how we adapt to these changes. Throughout history, entire societies have been wiped out due to these changes. Mother nature can be a force to be reconned with. So basically, get up off your butts. Put your collective heads together. Solve the problem of food shortages affected by climate change. Where to live, how will transportation continue. Worry about the basic necessities of survival. Shelter, water, food, fire, safety, and security.

  5. Instead of funding unnecessary wars a mega projects should be implemented to divert all that massively valuable amount of water into a drought suffering areas..

  6. I mean that's been the case since the 70s when I was a kid living down there… Storm water management has always sucked down there…

  7. Remember, kids,climate change is woke. Ron DeSantis will manfully beat the tide back out to sea with his bare hands. Right after he's ate his pudding.

  8. The quicker they remove all those meddling climate change considerations from all their laws, the sooner this flooding will stop, and everyone can get back to their normal, unequal existences.

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