What’s to Blame for This Year’s Cicadas Invasion?

What's to Blame for This Year's Cicadas Invasion?
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The season of cicadas is now fully upon us as the exasperating insects emerge from the ground in record swarms. For weeks, Americans were warned that the bothersome bugs would be popping up in historic numbers. One woman was enjoying some time outdoors when she became the unwitting victim of a cicada “fly-by.” Once they emerge, cicadas have a lifespan of about four weeks. The current invasion should die off in July.


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About the Author: Inside Edition


  1. I live in upstate South Carolina and for months all I heard on the news was there was going to be more cicadas than usual cause of the double hatching. I have yet to see or hear any cicadas.

  2. I love cicadas, as a child, I used to go hunting for their husks with my father, we would drive all around our city looking for parks with trees that cicadas liked! I also like their sounds, it reminds me of the passage of time, they also look cool

  3. Soooo… what's to blame?? Or is that just more click bait?? It's ridiculous that you have to lie about your headline to get people to view your "news."

  4. I love the grounded reality of this channel!!!
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  5. I grew up in rural PA and ya'll couldn't even imagine what it was like 15 summers ago, I can't imagine what it's like now. You'd think I was making it up. One day, it was so bad, each cicada was plentiful flying in the air enough where they could've been raindrops if it were raining. That's how many there were. Me and my buddies were TRAPPED inside some days haha. It was nuts. LITERAL swarms. Like out of a movie. Absolutely unreal.

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