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About the Author: JSHorsemanship


  1. For people that don’t know what colic is let me explain what it is
    So to us humuns it’s just a bad stumach ache but to horses it’s a stumach ache as well but if a horse has colic but it’s not bad still take it to a vet if need but if you know what will stop it then great
    But if your horse has it really bad then it’s a possibility your horse is gonna die 70 to 80% I think
    So now you know what colic is

  2. I have been watching horse/pony videos because my son is approved to get a make a wish and wanted to get a horse, but MAW didn't approve the one he last tried and now I feel like both the barn we ride at and the barn we saw the horse is mad at me and I really want to gain information to prevent this from happening again 😢. Can anyone who is experienced in buying a horse, leasing a horse, etc, help me, please? I'd be so thankful. I don't want to let my son (6) know that any issues are going on. I feel like it is all my fault, but I've never owned a horse, I rode and half azzed leased a horse. I can't sleep or eat, and I'm kind of desperate at this point. I don't want to upset my son, but honestly, having everyone else mad at me is driving me to the edge of sleep deprived. I never want to make anyone upset, and it is weighing on my chest & shoulders constantly. I figured when MAW said it was fine for him to get a horse, things would go smoothly, but now, since that horse didn't pass their standards, everyone is mad at me. I feel like it's all so much, idk what im even asking for at this point im just so stressed out 🙁 I need someone's help who has education in horses/ponies…. If anyone can help me, I'd so appreciate it.

  3. This horse is so cute! I used to ride them, and feed them apples every day! It wasn’t mine, it was a practice, I forgot her name, but she was so cute and I loved feeding her apples!

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