Dive into the eerie world of TikTok with our latest compilation of creepy ghost stories. From spine-chilling encounters to unexplained phenomena, these tales will leave you questioning what lurks in the shadows. Watch, if you dare, and don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more spooky content from The Creepy Collective!
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Loved the video
And to me I felt like those puppets dished out a little karma for her misplaced angry towards the little sister. The irony of where she ended up sleeping that night 😂 And I typed this comment b4 she said anything about karma 😮
6:47 dude naturally said a spell & kept going like we wouldn't catch that. 😂 leplazadeotomis shyt started falling.
12:11 This is fake. The Vatican is literally a religious city inside France run by the Catholic Church in France where the Pope lives. They don't go outside France to do exorcisms. It's very hard to get a church to even investigate, to do an exorcism. My family had one done before at our house. We had to gather lots of evidence of a demonic presence. They gave us a list of evidence to look for too and they gave us a Bible angel coins to place around the house and holy water. It took us six months to collect enough evidence for the church to physically investigate before they took their evidence to the head of the church to get permission to do the exorcism from several people in the church and it took three exorcisms to get rid of the problem. It wasn't from the Vatican it was from the Catholic Church in my area. They paid for a hotel room we stayed in until they finished. I still have a cross that was used to exercise the demons. It's for protection. Also, Ouji broads are not evidence of demonic presence. They are toys that use your body and mind to make you think a spirit is communicating with you. They are not real nor portals to anything. I have used them before and nothing happened but the piece moved while my friends and I held it and asked questions. It didn't answer anything we asked instead it randomly spilled out words. It misspelled two words.
22:53 i couldn't understand a thing she was saying 😴 She was talking between her teeth
I so hope you're going to give us like a 2 hour special on Halloween 😅
Bart Simpson
“I’m going to rip your arms off”..??? they’re still together so it’s clearly true love. Jesus.
47:06 I call boredom, attention and bullshit. I’m not saying that they’re not all true but that shit was poorly told. Goodness gracious 🤦🏽♀️ For those who are making these stories up as they go maybe you shouldn’t. Write it down and practice and come back and do better.
One of the most engaging scary story compilations. I listened while meal prepping.
good grass. 😁
Because God is near the weak, the bible says
Mirrors are portals the spiritual realm this is why I cover Mirrors in my room don't like Mirrors where I sleep
5:25 girl with the braids story is so boring and doesn't even sound believable 😕 took forever to get the main parts,got interrupted by job calling etc like ma'am
Some ppl are great story tellers and have a gift. Some ppl are so long winded and idk how many of these I fastforwarded.
I’ve heard it so often said that “ghosts can’t hurt you …”
Well, to the ppl who think and say it … try telling that to ppl who HAVE been hurt or attacked by ghosts!!
Spirits CAN, and do, hurt ppl, in many different ways, every day.
y do i feel like mariarivera.mua is just telling storys 4 views
I have so many questions about the puppet one!😦
I love listening to these while I doordash thank you 🙏🏼
It was nothing supernatural about the first story the reason they possibly didn’t hear any animals in the daytime is that the People who set up camp were hunting everything in that area therefore became the Apex Predator thus the decapitated animals which would make other animals clear that area and whatever birds that may have been there keep quiet and the 2nd story she always making up stories that make no sense like WTF was that picture of nothing really
The more of these you post, the more I'm comforted by the fact that I'm not alone with my paranormal experiences. Thank you😊
Love the channel! Hey… Can you turn down the music a bit in the intro, it drowns out your work. 😍