15 Scary Ghost Videos That Will Make You Believe Instantly In The Paranormal

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15 Scary Ghost Videos That Will Make You Believe Instantly In The Paranormal

This original work of horror promises to keep you looking over your shoulder.

Inspired by r/nosleep, these scary videos will scare you in a way you’ll be begging for more.

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#scaryvideos #caughtoncamera #thehaunter


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About the Author: The Haunter


  1. Why do these spirits or ghosts always play peek a boo in the videos? Why is it when the people see something they always take off running? Aren't they suppose to be paranormal investigators? It tells me they are hoaxes..

  2. I wish these people would get brand new videos of ghosts I'm tired of seeing the same old stories I am just tired of seeing the old same stories find new stuff people there's billions and billions of people out there with weird stuff 😭

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