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#FailArmy #Fails
2:20 – That's the other cow who missed out on the action at the start, and was settling for that dude instead of the bull! ❤
13:42 The guy scared of the giant butterfly is hilarious!! His scream got me dying!! ❤
15:05 of all the stupid shit I've seen people do on a wedding, this one takes the cake. ❤
6:01 weird
11:45 What was his problem?
Amazing how people keep getting so surprised when being spit on by llamas. ❤
Gravity should come with instructions and a safety warning. ❤
15:05 of all the stupid shit I've seen people do on a wedding, this one takes the cake. ❤
letts go
0:36 needs context, it's still hilarious with how the black guy is super chill.
Women: talking to somone( goes to do the laundry. Snake(cobra): hello there!
1:34 he put an ass hole in the wall 🕳️🧱
When bird flu crossed over to humans: 4:21
wie blöd teilweise
I love that eel.
I didn’t laugh once