NEVER be afraid in a Street Fighting | Tips

NEVER be afraid in a Street Fighting | Tips
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Street Fight fear is a natural thing specially if you do not know any self-defense moves and techniques. If a fight is unavoidable, make sure that you do not show that you are afraid as this will make your opponent’s confidence go high and more likely to attack you. You should learn basic self defense and boxing as this will help you win and end fights in just a few seconds.


3 Ways to End ANY FIGHT in Seconds

3 Realistic Punch Combos in a Streetfight

How to Box in 4 Minutes | Boxing Training for Beginners

How to Throw a Punch in a Fight

How to Punch Harder in Boxing | 7 Exercises

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My name is Tony Jeffries, Olympic Bronze medallist & former undefeated pro boxer.
I’m the owner of Master Boxing where I take your boxing to the next level.

This content is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Street fighting is dangerous and I do not recommend it.

Tony Jeffries and his team are not responsible for any harm or injuries caused by attempting these techniques. These videos are not a substitute for personal defense advice from a professional. Consult with a professional for advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

#selfdefense #streetfight


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About the Author: Tony Jeffries


  1. Most people dont want to fight is public because they dont want to loose their 2nd Amendment! Because of all the Democratic unconstitutional laws designed to remove your rights

  2. Last yr Christmas I was in party , 5 guys throwing punches @ me I jst blocked them & pushed them off,, & the bouncers came.. but I feel lil bad sometimes tat I didn't pay them back😢🤷🏻

  3. Not a street fight, but I've been going to boxing classes for a couple months now and even though I've gotten faster and more coordinated, It is still very difficult for me to aim to the face when doing drills with a partner, and aiming to the face is required. I know I dont hit very hard but I'm still afraid of hurting someone. How can I get into the correct mind set?

  4. I'm 57 years old, and I have never been in a situation where I was forced to fight. A little common sense is worth more than a lot of fight training.

  5. one of the main reasons why I'm afraid of a street fight isn't just pain and humiliation I could get but also because me personally, I have to wear glasses to see and if I get attacked and my glasses fall down, I'm basically blind and can't see anything.
    I'm medically handicapped, basically.

    I need to have LASIK eye surgery to fix my eyesight.

  6. All of this is true the man knows what he is talking about. Other's can and will read your non verbal communication especially criminals. If you come off as a weak and don't pay attention to your surroundings than it will be read that you are a easy target.

  7. Speaking as a 57yr old Glaswegian who in my younger days had many street fights and still carry the scars, for some strange reason Glasgow has always been a very violent city full of very angry and violent men, add in drink, drugs and sectarian hatred and you have bedlam, one night in the city centre I was walking towards a crowd of guys and one of them looked at me and shouted there's one there where upon they all immediately made a run for me, I took to my heels but was quickly cornered, every one of them had a blade or a bottle and I just thought fk this, went into rage mode and ran at them screaming like a mad man also as I was running towards them I unzipped my jacket and put my hand inside like I was reaching for a weapon and it was like the parting of the sea, biscuit arses don't like to be on the receiving end, if you look the part and got the confidence 9/10 you don't need to lift a finger.

  8. I think there's a huge difference between consensual fighting and non-consensual fighting; those experiences aren't transferrable at all.

    For one thing, the danger of "getting hurt" in a street fight is on a whole other level. And I'm not trying to sound like a tough guy here, but I'm a lot more afraid of accidentally killing someone than getting hurt myself. I have control over how I react in that situation; but if some stupid kid takes a wide swing, slips and cracks his head or neck the sidewalk, there's nothing I can do about it, but authorities and his family are still going to look at me as the guy with the combat sports licenses who got involved in his dead. I think that is genuinely terrifying.

  9. With some training you may be okay against someone who is the same size as you, but what if the other guy is a lot bigger and stronger, and has some training . It is very easy to get into a situation in the street were you are out of your depth, so it is better to walk away if you can.

  10. i'm afraid of the guys lawyer, my ability to really hurt someone and the fact that i'll probably be up against more than one person.
    but i'm mostly afraid of the austalian legal system because even if i'm in the right it could cost me many tens of thousands to prove it.

  11. Being 5'2 I always relied on my speed, in reactions, as I saw that I am faster than big guys. But I can't do nothing to make a balance with the oponent strenght. I always need to shorten the distance if a fight is unavoidable, so maybe you will give some tips about what to do if already in close contact, champ? The very basic. You think the uppercut or liver shot will be okay? And then withdraw to stay out of reach? Greetings from fan from Poland.

  12. I'm wondering whether it's a good idea to start boxing at close to 50 with maybe a bit of too much weight. Just for the hell of it, I don't get into fights.

  13. I use boxing in the gym,in streetlights people try to give themselves unfair advantages so I usually rely on my headbut to take out people

  14. Good morning Tony. Thank you for everything that you do. I notice the free-standing punching opponent that you're using and would ask for your advice regarding the best thing I could buy for an ordinary – but very fit – guy who wants to practice punching moves and techniques, but in a small house. Also, would I need to buy gloves or would wraps be ok? Your advice would be very much appreciated.

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