EP51.In the vast canvas of the natural world, there are events so rare and destructive that they can only be described as one in a billion moments in nature.The video Horrible Hail Storm captures one such extraordinary event, showcasing the immense power and devastation caused by a severe hailstorm.
This phenomenon stands out as one of those one in a billion moments in nature, where viewers witness the incredible force of hailstones crashing down, causing widespread damage to buildings, vehicles, and crops. The dramatic visuals of hailstones the size of golf balls or even larger highlight the extraordinary and unpredictable nature of these powerful storms.
As the video unfolds, it becomes evident that this horrible hail storm is not just a spectacle but also a profound reminder of our vulnerability to extreme weather events. The intense destruction caused by the hailstones serves as a testament to the dynamic and ever-changing conditions of our atmosphere.
These one in a billion moments in nature compel us to marvel at the raw power of the natural world while also emphasizing the importance of resilience and preparedness. They underscore the delicate balance we must maintain with our environment, ensuring that we are equipped to respond to these extraordinary natural events and protect lives and property.
00:00 One in a billion moments in nature
01:25 ,Hail storm
03:40 Moments in nature caught on camera
09:10 Mother nature angry
13:40 Caught on camera
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This Video researched by: Dr. Francisco Ferry
Address: 40774 Elvie Key Spinkafort, SC 85523
Birthday Date 1980-11-08
Age 43 years old
Vision TV does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
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The narrator sounds like the sensei from Napoleon Dynamite. I can't watch.
That's what fish do. Nice to see. ❤❤❤
The narrator is funny. 😂😂😂❤❤❤
Amazing videos, so much detail and great coverage of various evnts. I really enjoyed watching and looked for them when I watch YouTube. I have one major concern which detracts from the videos; I wish the commentaries attached to the scenes could be removed. A few comments are fine, but during each clip there is narrative that doesn't really help the veiwer, but rather details the narrators thoughts on what we are seeing. It is very annoying and I think very not really neccesary. I would like to concentrate on the video and not the script. Thank you.
Repent and be Born AGAIN for the remission of your sins and your forefathers sins and keep the commandments of God, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Joel 2:30
I show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.
Luke 21:25
There will be signs in the sun, moon and Stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🤍🤍🔥🔥😇😇
Jeremiah 25:32
This is what the Lord Almighty says:Look! Disaster is spreading from nation to nation, a mighty storm is rising from the ends of the earth. 😮😮
It looks like a scene from a disaster movie, this is unbelievable
Thank you for gathering and sharing these amazing moments in nature All over the World!!
It's unbelievable how stupid this guy is those are not salmon he is so wrong about alot of things don't like this Chanel
06:52 I was so surprised to witness this scene, I have never seen such moments, nature truly always has mysteries.
04:38 I couldn't believe my eyes, these disasters were so terrifying, even if it was just a moment, it was enough to see the power of mother nature.
Love very much with nature humans animals anything created my Allah pak subhana thala ,
and more Love with,
and QURAN PAK🕋☝️🇸🇦💕🌹
08:43 The historic flood submerged a vast area, sweeping away everything in its path. The images of people losing all their possessions, loved ones, and their future were simply unimaginable. I choked up thinking about the pain and loss they are enduring.
09:53 I've never witnessed anything as terrible as this! The hail is causing so much damage. Have you heard any updates on the situation?
It's unbelievable, the hail is falling so hard that it's damaging houses and cars. Is anyone injured
It looks like a scene from a disaster movie, this is unbelievable
Oh my gosh, how can it hail this heavily? I've never seen anything like this before
no dauot ,without my Allah pak permission any small things can't move of this world 🕋☝️🇸🇦💕🌹
La iay La ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasul Allah 🕋☝️🇸🇦💕🌹
im so Love with nature and his beauty and afcors the creator of the all world ALLAH PAK sobhana thala 🕋☝️🇸🇦💕🌹