I caught this poltergeist activity on 3 video cameras simultaneously on the 23rd of December, 2009. I don’t know if it’s a ghost, poltergeist, demon, or whatever. I had not been playing with a Ouija board. I will continue to upload videos of more paranormal activity as and when I capture it. Please be patient; while the house is still very active and very much haunted, I’m in no way guaranteed to have a camera in the right place at the right time. Still, I feel that by having all 3 cameras in the same room, rather than hedging my bets, any evidence of the paranormal I DO capture will be of more value. – mellowb1rd
What if a mad chimp died there?
Much better sound quality in this video. Excellent footage.
Dude why are you still living there? I've seen many of your videos. What exactly are you expecting?
Watching more of these, I'm consistently hearing the audio cut after something is thrown/hitting the floor. There's also cuts and bursts in the ambient static where it will get louder or quieter.
Why is it that these multiple camera angle never seem to catch the floor?
I had the Scary movie 5 commercial 😛
You know how you could catch a paranormal activity very easily? Go to a hospital arrange a deal with a dying patient and his family to record his death use those cameras that detect ectoplasm and other paranormal events. I am sure at least 1 person would agree on letting you do that.
ummm. No you don't? are you seeing things? it's impossible to film someone doing that and not have it show up in the footage. Dumbass.
Oh mellow is coming home. Gotta fuck some shit up for him lololololol
I didn't have a commercial C:
This is not fake you guys as soon as this guy grabs the camera i could see a shadow moving in the background in the smaller room there and it looks as if it could be demonic this guy needs to get a paranormal team as well as a priest because that thing is evil and i have a feeling that I'm
the one to do it
Totally fake. If you pause it during one of those fast interuptions you see a guy putting the stuff around
why do u still live there??
…tried to pause it but you're channel link was in the way…
nice video editing fake
@notsotechy1334 They put a FRED commercial on my video? Was it for the movie or his Youtube channel? Either way, that sucks.
I smell a big, steamy pile of bullshit with these videos. If this house is as haunted as you're creating it, paranormal teams from all over the world would be at your house investigating. Nice trickery, though. And yes, I'm a hard core paranormal investigator who believes in ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, etc…
i love all your videos
@TheStevekite I had this also once happening to me.
When I closed the fridge properly, it was few seconds till it opened by itself 0_o these ghosts/demons are freaking real.
Look guys this is no joke, I have had the same shit happen to me and it is fucking scary stuff. Ive had to have my place blessed 4 times.
I think all ur ghost video r fake … why does everything get tossed but not ur camera ..
seems fake
how are u not scared?? y don't you move out? i think these are the questions everyone wants answered.
Comment under me, THAT
omg this scared me
I can see the strings!
at around 0:39 you can hear footsteps.why is that?
i wonder why they never throw the camera like the other thinks are they afraid of cameras or what ?
See his accomplice in fake poltergeist videos is PROVEN AS A FAKE HERE:
that ghost is a little shit, in my opinion needs a bit of exercise
Its probably a female ghost…if you noticed..you left the toilet seat up…
dude in think this person haas a bad stomach. He goes from messin upvthe kitchen and then goes to the bathroom… Sounds like me when i have the muchies.
C4Exchange, It'll never happen because of one single reason, ALLL ghosts ARE demons, I've done this long enough to know it, have done hundreds of investigations, have seen them, have been attacked by them, have studied this subject tirelessly……..they are demons, they shapeshift, by you believing that they are dead souls just creates an opening for them that they WILL exploit given the chance, DO NOT BE FOOLED by ''ghosts'' because they are NOT. They are decievers, liars and work for SATAN.
Must be a recent death then? :F I don't think that ghosts keep up with the times too often.
I kept watching the two camera's you didn't pick up thinking that i'd see some sort of black mass while the lights were flickering!
@mellowb1rd just though you might need some info that eather one mad sprit or it looking for something it was guarding eather way keep your distance and get the place extrosied by the best and to it for 5 days stright do to how old some spirits get and the bond to the place are i think there mabe two of them there.
hahaha you are really brave!! this reminds me like Silent Hill, The Room… Greetings and good luck with your freaking spirits….