Leave a like on the video for the awesome homelander brutality! 🙂
My NEW Homelander Team Is CHEEAAPP! – Mortal Kombat 1: “Homelander” Gameplay (Frost Kameo) https://youtu.be/EWKXl-I9qzo
HOMELANDER IS AMAZING! – Mortal Kombat 1: “Homelander” Gameplay (Janet Cage Kameo) https://youtu.be/AYaDaBquxoo
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Intro animation Directed by Jeremy Mansford https://twitter.com/jeremymansford
#MortalKombat1 #MK1 #Homelander #JanetCage
Leave a like on the video for the awesome homelander brutality!
My NEW Homelander Team Is CHEEAAPP! – Mortal Kombat 1: "Homelander" Gameplay (Frost Kameo) https://youtu.be/EWKXl-I9qzo
HOMELANDER IS AMAZING! – Mortal Kombat 1: "Homelander" Gameplay (Janet Cage Kameo) https://youtu.be/AYaDaBquxoo
If you would have hold 3 during the choke grip neckbreack move in the air ( I think it's Forward Backwards 2, 2 while both of you being in air) you would have got another brutality
OG Kano says, "I've been Brutal like that since 1992!"
Don't pick Homelander unless you're really good at combos in this game. I've played against average players that choose Homelander and they can't generate enough damage. I don't even bother breaking. Leave this character for the pros!
That Subzero is crazy 😮 He did all the unsafe moves that Subzero has
That sub zero was pissing me off with them dumbass slides
6:30 You tryna what???
Been loving homelander and u playing him bro! GGs
seeing this intro is just as amazing as the first time i saw it years and years ago 😭
Wow vaya que dominas a Homelander haces muy buenos combos, me gastaría saber usarlo 😪
i think janet would fit right in with The Boys
Super why do you never do fatalities
Can't wait for doomslayer broo
Here lately I've been doing 12~bf21,j21~bf21,f1 into Fatal Blow just for reliability. (I'm bad at the fly cancels.) Sadly doesn't do much more than a raw FB, though.
Jeezez you’re Coordinates in the Homelander Kombos are also crazy.
I can tell super having so much fun with Homelander
I wish we had Ko-op towers like in MK11 so we can do something Kooperatively but good video.
OMG a second round We love SUPER❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤ thx for the vid
Anyone excited for the boys s4? It’s coming on my birthday🎉
HomeLander Brutality
That brutality is sick 🔥
Brutality 🔥
2 secs ago ? 1 view? Fell off
first love you super