Bryyann don’t want to eat he want to play.#monkey #animals #monkeys #wildlife #nature #animal

Bryyann don't want to eat he want to play.#monkey #animals #monkeys #wildlife #nature #animal
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Bryyann don’t want to eat he want to play.#monkey #animals #monkeys #wildlife #nature #animal


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About the Author: Monkey Icy

1 Comment

  1. 주인은 수박 앞에두고 왜 이상한 풀을주나요? 수박도 가끔식만 먹이고 몸에좋은걸로만 먹 이세요 애들이 밝지가못해요 먹는거 앞에 두고 풀을주니까 주인무서워 먹지못하나봐요

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