Violence has broken out between England and Serbia supporters in central Gelsenkirchen, where the Euro 2024 match between the two sides kicks off at 8pm tonight.
A group of fans attacked others with bottles before throwing chairs and toppling tables. One set of fans then chased the other group down the street as riot police followed.
Dozens of riot police intervened and a total of 22 vans were seen heading towards the side of the city nearest the train station.
It is believed it was a group of English fans who attacked Serbians at an Italian restaurant.
A fan, believed to be from Birmingham, was seen with blood pouring from his head and was taken away by medics after the brawl.
Earlier on Sunday, an axe-wielding man in Hamburg who had threatened police was shot in the leg before the Poland vs Netherlands game.
Read more here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/16/england-vs-serbia-live-euro-2024-fans-ultras-germany/
#euros2024 #euros #england
Better to play games than to fight 🎮 https://youtu.be/AueOduxq5JU?si=WUFVrLtOsLDw0MK4
karma is a bi**TCH WHEN IN 2022 they cut the alcohol German and European went nuts…the organization is a disaster as well…typical of the never-wanna-shut Toichlanders
Me encanta el hooliganismo!!!!
Always the English!
While Qatar is laughing at Germany and the west from a far 😂😂
Сербы и Русские – братья на век!
Есть мероприятие, где английские болельщики не пытались бы подраться или что-нибудь разгромить? Дикари.
germany was pointign Qatar not being able to organise big events. Guess what?? :p Germany cant organise even smaller ones
England has the most spoiled, and arrogant supporters. They make fools of themselves.
this is horrible..massive chaos , these scenes made me imagine that this was happening in india or brazil, not germany!
Can The Telegraph ever tell the truth?…. This was Albanians attacking Serbs.
so civilized
I like English people as Serb but why the f this 😂😂
It's normal with England fans.
Brits were always our enemies , nothing has changed they couldn’t handle ww2 but act if they had won it , only usa and russia united brought us down , tommys were kicked out of Europe.
Knuckle dragging idiots.
It was the serbs who kicked off about the food not being any good at the Italian restaurant,
so the Albanians were nice enough to give them their Sausage.
So called civilized Peoples😂
The civilised Europeans everyone. The same people who didnt let a day pass without criticising qatar world cup
Remember. These are the same people who criticised qatar world cup
وهم انفسهم الذين انتقدوا قطر لتنظيم كأس العالم يجب ان يتعلموا الدروس قبل ان يقوموا بالتدريس 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
افضل كأس ألعالم 2022🇶🇦🇶🇦
وفضل تنظيم بطولة في التاريخ .❤
Germany should learn from Qatar how to organise football matches 🙃
Run english run 😂😂😂
If this happened in Qatar Germans would be crying 😂
England 🤣
The english once again showing they are utterly incapable of any sort of decent behaviour.
✅️🇷🇸🇷🇺🇬🇷 ❌️🇦🇱🏴🇽🇰🇭🇷
England, be going home soon anyway!
Imagine that World War III was caused by a group of drunk and stupid fans ✨
Good old reform supports integrating into another's culture :/
Lmao 😂😂😂😂
Funny how this western BS media will never report the truth.
Albanian and England hooligans attacked Serbs in restaurant.
That is truth baby.
Not "group of fans attacked each other"…. No wonder why people in Western world became zombies more and more.
Most serbs are still mad about how they were humbled in 1999 😂
your whole life based on football ..just stupid
Easy for Serbs many flags icluding albanian flag were secured.
Сербы красавчики,дали жару рабам елизаветы
Both as bad as eachother
Сербы ❤..