The future of our animals hangs in the balance. It’s Now or Never…
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🗨️This video aims to educate and raise awareness about animal welfare, featuring key aspects such as rescues and surgical procedures.
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Anyone who has a heart for animals that can afford to help would help no problem!! I know that I would help if I could!! Right now I just can’t afford to help!! May Madison get the help he needs and deserves!! 😢❤
The ones the hardest to look at are the ones that need our help the most! I dont understand why they wont allow this cat to be shown yet the allow those animal abuse videos like puppies being eaten by snakes. No one who isnt sick would want to watch such horrible things.
The Pet Psychic Sonya Fitzpatrick said that there is no hell. This is hell (earth) from what we all go through.
The cat with the injured tail was hard to look at too. I think her name was Alba.
He also helped me take care of my two chihuahua's and my maltese when I had to work. He took them under his wing. He liked giving them kitty baths.
I just thought I was a dog person until I rescued my black cat, Boba. I'm convinced that we were meant to be together. When my maltese died, I sat on the floor crying and he came and sat next to me and put his paw on my knee and just sat there with me for awhile. He paved the way for me to absolutely love cats, too! He's in heaven now and I can't wait to see him again when it's my time. I miss him.
❤Don't worry about a thing Marvalous Madison. You are in loving and caring hands. Can't wait for the video tomorrow so we can all meet you. I love you Madison!❤
We love you, Viktor 💕
Patreon=$10 a month!! Please join if you haven’t already. It will make a huge difference to this beautiful rescue!!! I joined!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
I do love both cats and dogs! Thank you for rescuing both dogs and cats!
Hi Victor, im a monthly donor.
How can o switch to Patreon.
Exactly same CA$15 every month. And sametimes i do extra donations as well.
Thank you so much God blesses you all. Hope no animals suffer in the world.
I will be waiting to watch your video tomorrow. I love all animals. They all deserve to be helped to live. We are all animals Gods creatures and we need to help all. Thank you Victor and your wonderful team and Vets that all help to safe these dogs and cats. Just a true blessing 🙏Thank you❤
Take care of yourself, Viktor. You are amazing.
Thank you Viktor, I pray more can donate. I do it monthly on Patreon and Youtube.
I can't waite to be able to see Madison 🐾 thank you everyone who's able to help out, I'm so happy Madison is in great hands Victor ❤️✌🏻. ÇALI 🌴
Please Donate to @ExtremeAnimalRescue 🙏👍😎🇺🇸 !
May Allah bless you all
I miss it sorry Viktor ? 👍😎🇺🇸 !
Your videos are the first thing I watch in the morning. Algoririthm or not. I also donate for cats.
I have 2 of each (cats, dogs) actually kittens. I've had both my entire life and I will say (not out loud, don't want the dogs to hear) that as a rule, I love cats more than dogs and I have had some amazing dogs… But truly, nothing compares to the affection of my cats. ❤
I love all animals but seem to be drawn to cats more than dogs. Easier for me to manage I watch all your videos and donate monthly and donate extra for emergencies. Thank you so much for all you do.
Ich hoffe das madison alles gut übersteht. Armes Kätzchen. Ich spende jeden monat über Paypal. Egal ob ich für Hunde oder Kätzchen spende. Ich gebe was ich kann mit einer kleinen Rente. Wenn jeder etwas gibt ergibt das auch eine größere Summe. Also spendet was geht. Danke liebes Team das ihr leben rettet ❤
I'm a Proud Patreon and donate occasionally when I can ❤ May God be with you Precious Little Angel MADISON in getting better SOON 😸🙏🙏🙏God Bless you all for saving as many Angels 🐶🐶😸😸🐕🐕💋♥️🌷
I've been a Patreon supporter of 'Let's adopt' for about 3 or4 years — it was Pippa's story and Angel's rescue that made me decide to join Patreon to support Viktor's work ———- The happiness
I get knowing I'm helping animals – is much more than the happiness I'd get spending the money on a couple of pints of beer a month in an English Pub 😻😻🐶🐶
I think, on the contrary, people will help more if they see Madison's injuries, and more people than you think are cat lovers.
I've been rescuing cats and kittens for 30+ years. All funded by me then my husband and I and now just me again. Here in Baltimore MD cats are usually euthanized or tnr'd and put back out in the streets regardless of shelter or a feeder. All my dogs are rescued as well. I have 1 left. And 22 cats left and 4 fosters. So algorithm be damned. And I can't afford to join as all my money goes towards the animals.