Four unlikely heroes help the town of Dimwood in fighting back an undead horde.
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From Day 1.. mabey 20 mins in have been wondering. Sneaky Neutral evil? leaning to chaotic with her i love chaos comments.
What episodes does this cover?
1:18:00 The DM is always right 😂😂😂
I think Horatio should call the violin 🎻 a 'fiddle' with that great Southern USA 🇺🇸 accent. Also Horatio's back story should have something to do with the USA Civil War battles of First Bull Run and Second Bull Run. Also Horatio in the green screen should look like an American Bison of USA and Canada 🍁 🇨🇦 . I wonder if Britt remembers Bonecaller's condition? Arrow wouldn't know.
how you make a compilation of something that's barely started dumb af
Are you guys planning on doing a live video session? That would be awesome to watch as well
I wonder if from New Zealand they can see those constellations they mention when the players introduced themselves on their birthdays? It would be funny if they can't.
I predict 35k views in a week.
VLDL seems to always be on my computer when working and I seem to always hear VLDL somewhere in my house as my kids LOVE THEM almost as much as me
Much better viewing it all in one go.
Did you see that?!
I feel like the girls will come up with such more innovative and creative ways to deal with Robs TPK puzzles than the guys game lol
You've seen every upload, but have you seen every upload CONSECUTIVELY?
Yeah the wonderful woman are back and Rob who's part of that. He really looks good dress in drag 😘
Rhi is going to make this my favourite campaign. Bring on the Misfits
Rob's threat of TPK is a lot less threatening when only Britt understands. Ah right the competitiveness, that explains how Rhi dares to say "roll again" to the GM's face.
i'm not sure who is picking when the ads are but they are at really odd times.
Please don't tell me I won't get my fix of Misfits next week. ❤ you are hilarious!
Okay 3 monetized ads in the first 16 minutes. No I'm good
yeah been waiting for this so i can watch it like nobility… binging for 3 hours without a break. Not like peasant in 20 minute chunks.
The first compilation 😊
1 chapter with 20-30 min?
I don't have time for that.
A recopilation of 3-4 hours? Now we are talking
I know you've already seen all the episodes..
I always wondered if this is happening ate the same time of Advebtures of azerim