He’s Studied 1,000+ Near-Death Experiences and Says This Is Why He Believes They Prove the Bible

He's Studied 1,000+ Near-Death Experiences and Says This Is Why He Believes They Prove the Bible
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John Burke, a pastor and author who has studied and examined over 1,000 accounts of near-death experiences, believes these reports provide faith-building evidence of God and the Bible. Burke, author of the new book “Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Revelation, and the Love You’ve Always Wanted,” told CBN Digital why he believes these experiences corroborate Scripture and detailed what a near-death experience entails.

“It’s when someone clinically dies … their heart stops, they have no brain waves,” Burke said. “And yet either modern medicine or miracle brings them back … minutes later, sometimes it’s hours.” He continued, “And when they come back, they talk about experiencing the life to come, and they talk about how it’s more real than anything they’ve ever experienced in this world.”

Burke said his latest book looks at scores of interviews with people from all over the world who’ve had these clinical near-death experiences. “They are seeing and experiencing the God of Scripture,” he said. “And we’re looking, not only at His love story told throughout history in the Bible, but also his heart and characteristics, the mystery, the majesty of God.”

Burke, though, knows not everyone believes these heaven visitation stories, and explained exactly why he thinks there’s so much skepticism. He said one factor is a failure to understand that “these are testimonies” that shed light on God’s nature. Another is the complexities that come from trying to describe other-worldly experiences using human language. Watch him explain.

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  1. I'm sorry but as a Christian these NDE's just make no sense to me. So you're saying that no matter what a person believes, be he atheist, Muslim, whatever, when he dies he will go to Heaven? So no need to believe in Christ even though Jesus said, 'Unless you repent you will all likewise perish.' So God crucified His Son for no reason because we could get to Heaven of our own volition. If these NDE's are true then we might as well throw our Bibles in the garbage because they are meaningless. I just don't get it.

  2. I had a near death experience. I didn't see heaven, but I met the Lord it was incredible. I'd die again just to be with the Lord again. I don't fear death it's the greatest experience if you're saved. To live as Christ to die is gain.

  3. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became A LIVING SOUL. Gen. ch2 v24 KJ v. This is proven every time someone experiences an nde.

  4. The issue I have with some of the testimony about hell is that some are adamant that Christian believers are in hell. They might say that they are there for one particular sin. As if moral perfection is required vs. Gods Grace.

  5. many describes Atheos, Unbelievers, skepticals,, they all made it to heaven ??? I think the deceiver is active deceiving people after all he disguises as An Angel of Light !…

  6. As an agnostic, i dont rule out either gods or afterlives, although i dont have any specific belief in them. However, i've had strange, odd, eerie experiences that i could never explain by prosaic physical events. I once had a vivid dream in which i was reunited with two of my beloved cats, and other dreams where i seemed to be meeting with both deceased relatives and some ancestors i had never known. I'm open to any convincing explanation.

  7. Of the hundreds of NDE’s you have presented a very narrow view and thrown away tons of information. For example in the channel Next Level Soul on YouTube, he denies Christ as the Son of God. Essentially his premise is that everyone who’s dies sees who they worshipped. He even takes Christ’s name in vain, consistent with the narrative Christ is not what He claims to be. If I were in his shoes, his name is Alex, I’d be shaking in my boots. He’s interviewed hundreds of people, many of which deny Christ, and even claim religion has it wrong. Most of these folks who’ve died and returned don’t necessarily come back believing in Christ. While I appreciate your thoughtful take on this, you seem to have left out hundreds of experiences that leave serious gaps in your conclusion and thus your book. Examples: why some see Buda, or other gods. Why sin isn’t discussed as a serious thing with God, as does the Bible. Also an all important why there isn’t judgement. I’m no scholar but, I can spot inconsistencies and narrow views a mile away and have personally concluded these folks haven’t experienced heaven as Christians will. Yes, they’ve experienced the LOVE of God, because that’s all God can be, but where they are, isn’t, nor can be a Christians final state, if the Bible is true. And to conclude, the biggest gap you left out. Multiple lives in potentially multiple worlds are as common as life reviews that don’t judge, but suggest we are only here to learn. Hundreds say this.

  8. muslims believe in Jesus, their religion matches the major points of Christianity until Jesus. Islam deviates by believing that Jesus did not die and was a prophet rather than God on Earth. Therefore at at 12:00 there is no surprise for islamist to dream about Jesus.

  9. The entire old testament has been debunked… there was never anything called Isreal or Jewish people. There's zero archeological evidence there. Conversely, there's tons of evidence of civilisations much older than 6,000 yrs ago. The reason I mentioned that is there's no actual evidence of an actual Jesus either.

  10. So, he lied then.
    Got it.
    Because EVERYONE who claims to have had a near death experience, simply experienced a flood of neurochemical drugs pumped into the brain, by the brain and the hallucinations that come with it.

  11. Beautiful. I can tell you something about hell. I am in it right now, and not on earth, no i am dead and in hell. Its the exact opposite. There is literally nothing. No personality, no soul, no vibes, atmosphere, cozyness, love, fun. Nothing. Just this nothingness, tortures and remembering your former life and loved ones. It is absolutely horrible 😅 and proves that god is EVERYTHING – he created the whole universe with everyone and everything on it. And he knows best: he created you and your life plan. Please trust and follow it. Be brave, listen and dont be stubborn. I was. I went the other way, and my soul and me where Totally destroyed, because this was not supposed to be my life, my ending, and therefore he removed me from earth.

  12. After I got saved, I asked God, so what would you have me do now? And he said to me…"I'm not asking you to invent the wheel….go find a church and volunteer!" /Doh >< I still laugh. Another quick story… I was watching a chick flick and during one of the scenes I started to ugly cry, and thought to myself… 'Why couldn't I have found a love like that?" Thats when Jesus chimed in and said…"I've always loved you like that!" I stopped crying during chick flick movies as I no longer have that need =)

  13. I have listened to quite a few NDE's from different people; men, women, children, Muslims, atheists, etc. and they all say just about the same thing. Basically what I take away from the NDE's that I have watched / listened to is that there is a bright light, like you are being bathed in love, and none of them wanted to come back to their body. And when they did, they said it was like coming into a cold prison. And the Bible says being out of the body is being present with the Lord.

  14. Be warned, I am finding more and more NDE stories on YouTube where they talk about a "spirit guide" and how there are parts of them on the other side already there, from past lives, and the reason we are here is to learn and obtain life experiences, but so very little about God or Jesus. According to the actual word of God, we are told that "man is appointed to die once, and then the judgement" – this means no second chances, no continued lives, etc. There is more and more of these NDE's that do not align with Scripture.

  15. 9:53 Saying "They haven't studied it" is a very dismissive thing to say. I mean when the Bible says things like Hebrews 9:27
    "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment"
    That would lead you to believe that these people didn't actually die! Sure maybe God could of showed them something. But also How do you explain John 3:13 " And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."? The only way these stories can be true is reconciled by 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 Which would only give credit to the fact they were given a vision of what it will be and not actual heaven! Yes sir, I've studied the scriptures! If you think these people actually went to heaven and came back, you clearly haven't! God Bless you!

  16. My story about INSOMNIA and what JESUS said to me….. A couple of years ago I had to take off from work because I could not sleep. It was right before the pandemic, I was working for non profit mental health rehabilitation center at the time. I felt great love for all in the center and who were living in the homes. I remember calling in to work as I couldnt sleep. This continued for 3 days straight, tired and completely exhausted I cried out to GOD and asked him, LORD why am I not able to sleep! I started crying uncontrollably and than I felt JESUS next to my bed and he was on one knee holding my hand. I than heard, My son, you are awakening to your true self and this is who I created you to be. I was focusing on my lack of sleep and GOD revealed to me that is was an AWAKENING. i love JESUS and thank him for all the blessings in my life. JESUS saved me and Im forever grateful. JESUS gave me a prayer for his people, its a message that will restore even the most hardened heart. Here is the MESSAGE to share with someone today…. JESUS LOVES YOU A 1000 TIMES! (3x)

  17. My mother passed away in my arms at the hospital and left in peace, having done communion. This is 2 weeks ago. Her sister called from Another country and said she hugged very strongly in her dream, telling her she loved her and that she was leaving. My aunt did not know my mother was passing away

  18. this would be perfect if the experience was not turned into a Christian thing, there is a Muslim NDE survivor who interviews Muslims who went through the NDE and they have seen what their faith explained. using NDE to be a missionaries invitation does make the show questionable, since it would be seen as biased towards Christian point of view, which is not objective. the world is not all Christian.

  19. A segment from 'Saved by the Light of the Buddha Within'…

    My new understandings of what many call 'God -The Holy Spirit' – resulting from some of the extraordinary ongoing after-effects relating to my NDE, when I was struck by lightning during September 1970.

    Myoho-Renge-Kyo represents the identity of what some scientists are now referring to as the unified field of consciousnesses. In other words, it’s the essence of all existence and non-existence – the ultimate creative force behind planets, stars, nebulae, people, animals, trees, fish, birds, and all phenomena, manifest or latent. All matter and intelligence are simply waves or ripples manifesting to and from this core source. Consciousness (enlightenment) is itself the actual creator of everything that exists now, ever existed in the past, or will exist in the future – right down to the minutest particles of dust – each being an individual ripple or wave.

    The big difference between chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and most other conventional prayers is that instead of depending on a ‘middleman’ to connect us to our state of inner enlightenment, we’re able to do it ourselves. That’s because chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo allows us to tap directly into our enlightened state by way of this self-produced sound vibration. ‘Who or What Is God?’ If we compare the concept of God being a separate entity that is forever watching down on us, to the teachings of Nichiren, it makes more sense to me that the true omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of what most people perceive to be God, is the fantastic state of enlightenment that exists within each of us. Some say that God is an entity that’s beyond physical matter – I think that the vast amount of information continuously being conveyed via electromagnetic waves in today’s world gives us proof of how an invisible state of God could indeed exist.

    For example, it’s now widely known that specific data relayed by way of electromagnetic waves has the potential to help bring about extraordinary and powerful effects – including an instant global awareness of something or a mass emotional reaction. It’s also common knowledge that these invisible waves can easily be used to detonate a bomb or to enable NASA to control the movements of a robot as far away as the Moon or Mars – none of which is possible without a receiver to decode the information that’s being transmitted. Without the receiver, the data would remain impotent. In a very similar way, we need to have our own ‘receiver’ switched on so that we can activate a clear and precise understanding of our own life, all other life and what everything else in existence is.

    Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo each day helps us to achieve this because it allows us to reach the core of our enlightenment and keep it switched on. That’s because Myoho-Renge-Kyo represents the identity of what scientists now refer to as the unified field of consciousnesses. To break it down – Myoho represents the Law of manifestation and latency (Nature) and consists of two alternating states. For example, the state of Myo is where everything in life that’s not obvious to us exists – including our stored memories when we’re not thinking about them – our hidden potential and inner emotions whenever they’re dormant – our desires, our fears, our wisdom, happiness, karma – and more importantly, our enlightenment.

    The other state, ho, is where everything in Life exists whenever it becomes evident to us, such as when a thought pops up from within our memory – whenever we experience or express our emotions – or whenever a good or bad cause manifests as an effect from our karma. When anything becomes apparent, it merely means that it’s come out of the state of Myo (dormancy/latency) and into a state of ho (manifestation). It’s the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness, being awake or asleep, or knowing and not knowing.

    The second law – Renge – Ren meaning cause and ge meaning effect, governs and controls the functions of Myoho – these two laws of Myoho and Renge, not only function together simultaneously but also underlies all spiritual and physical existence.

    The final and third part of the tri-combination – Kyo, is the Law that allows Myoho to integrate with Renge – or vice versa. It’s the great, invisible thread of energy that fuses and connects all Life and matter – as well as the past, present and future. It’s also sometimes termed the Universal Law of Communication – perhaps it could even be compared with the string theory that many scientists now suspect exists.

    Just as the cells in our body, our thoughts, feelings and everything else is continually fluctuating within us – all that exists in the world around us and beyond is also in a constant state of flux – constantly controlled by these three fundamental laws. In fact, more things are going back and forth between the two states of Myo and ho in a single moment than it would ever be possible to calculate or describe. And it doesn’t matter how big or small, famous or trivial anything or anyone may appear to be, everything that’s ever existed in the past, exists now or will exist in the future, exists only because of the workings of the Laws ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’ – the basis of the four fundamental forces, and if they didn’t function, neither we nor anything else could go on existing. That’s because all forms of existence, including the seasons, day, night, birth, death and so on, are moving forward in an ongoing flow of continuation – rhythmically reverting back and forth between the two fundamental states of Myo and ho in absolute accordance with Renge – and by way of Kyo. Even stars are dying and being reborn under the workings of what the combination ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’ represents. Nam, or Namu – which mean the same thing, are vibrational passwords or keys that allow us to reach deep into our life and fuse with or become one with ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’.

    On a more personal level, nothing ever happens by chance or coincidence, it’s the causes that we’ve made in our past, or are presently making, that determine how these laws function uniquely in each of our lives – as well as the environment from moment to moment. By facing east, in harmony with the direction that the Earth is spinning, and chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo for a minimum of, let’s say, ten minutes daily to start with, any of us can experience actual proof of its positive effects in our lives – even if it only makes us feel good on the inside, there will be a definite positive effect. That’s because we’re able to pierce through the thickest layers of our karma and activate our inherent Buddha Nature (our enlightened state). By so doing, we’re then able to bring forth the wisdom and good fortune that we need to challenge, overcome and change our adverse circumstances – turn them into positive ones – or manifest and gain even greater fulfilment in our daily lives from our accumulated good karma. This also allows us to bring forth the wisdom that can free us from the ignorance and stupidity that’s preventing us from accepting and being proud of the person that we indeed are – regardless of our race, colour, gender or sexuality. We’re also able to see and understand our circumstances and the environment far more clearly, as well as attract and connect with any needed external beneficial forces and situations. As I’ve already mentioned, everything is subject to the law of Cause and Effect – the ‘actual-proof-strength’ resulting from chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo always depends on our determination, sincerity and dedication.

    For example, the levels of difference could be compared to making a sound on a piano, creating a melody, producing a great song, and so on. Something else that’s very important to always respect and acknowledge is that the Law (or if you prefer God) is in everyone and everything.

    NB: There are frightening and disturbing sounds, and there are tranquil and relaxing sounds. It’s the emotional result of any noise or sound that can trigger off a mood or even instantly change one. When chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo each day, we are producing a sound vibration that’s the password to our true inner-self – this soon becomes apparent when you start reassessing your views on various things – such as your fears and desires etc. The best way to get the desired result when chanting is not to view things conventionally – rather than reaching out to an external source, we need to reach into our own lives and bring our needs and desires to fruition from within – including the good fortune and strength to achieve any help that we may need. Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo also reaches out externally and draws us towards, or draws towards us, what we need to make us happy from our environment. For example, it helps us to be in the right place at the right time – to make better choices and decisions and so forth. We need to think of it as a seed within us that we’re watering and bringing sunshine to for it to grow, blossom and bring forth fruit or flowers. It’s also important to understand that everything we need in life, including the answer to every question and the potential to achieve every dream, already exists within us.

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