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About the Author: Valentyn Trostianchuk


  1. Потужно, як завжди👍 Але в тому випадку краще поліцейському дістати пістолет

  2. Some people as their "eye balling" you are expecting the "walk off retaliation move! Not a wise decision, moving away to your left or right put's your back to them! Big mistake, many worst thing could happen to you in the time it takes you to pop up on your feet and make an °180 turn around on your aggresser and land an over whelming blow that renders your opponent defenseless long enough for you to take control of the situation! You're better off not putting yourself in a situation to begin with, or recognizing it before you walk into it. A straight on or lateral defense is much preferred. Hitting your opponent in the solar plex is much preferred, four uppercut to the groin with an interruption to the carotid artery as your opponent bends over. Interruption in the carotid flow will render your opponent knocked out if your hit to the side of the neck is hard enough, good luck and be safe.

  3. That's how you hit him first not self defense and after the first Punch then what because the fights not over he's (bigger guy) will want his revenge punch 😢 so teaching how to knock out a bigger guy would be a better example 😊

  4. That police has a helmet and it's metal, so does the plates in this vest, good luck to the big guy, cause trying to punch one of those is like tryna break hard concrete in half.

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