The best 21 hour compilation of cute and sweet rescue puppies being fostered at the farm!
Relaxing and calming TV for Puppies and Dogs home alone and/or Dog Loving Humans. 9 litters of puppies were fostered here at the farm. Over 50 puppies from accidental litters dumped at the pound. But their time here at the farm was full of love, safety, fun plus training, playing, socializing and having a wonderful time during their foster days getting ready for adoption into loving homes.
We’ve started this channel @thefarm-dogtv as a way for people to help support The Farm, by popping these long 12 hour videos on the TV in the background while you’re at home or for your pet while you’re not home. By watching, you’re generously supporting all our animals here at the farm.
Happy, peaceful, relaxing & entertaining videos & music for you and your dog to watch of rescue dogs, puppies, cats, kittens and dingoes (who have been saved from euthanasia and many with special needs) living together at a farm sanctuary, playing & having the best days together.
Dogs having the best time is a great distraction & relief for dogs suffering from separation anxiety, boredom & loneliness while you’re away from home all day or if they’re feeling stressed during fireworks and thunderstorms. A virtual dog day care for your dog while you’re away or watch at home yourself in the background for relaxation. Hours of dogs playing and having the best day at a real outdoor farm style dog daycare.
Your views provide direct support for these adopted shelter dogs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmLaO0FYZqRnXLOyegFmIYA
So whether you have a rescue breed, a mixed breed, a puppy, a dog, or cat or a Golden Retriever, Pug, Labrador, Pomeranian, Shi Tzu, Terrier, German Shepherd, Vizsla, Belgian Malinois, Pitbull, Mastiff, Mini Dacshund or Great Dane – any dog can feel calm and relaxed and anxiety free with the company and distraction of our happy dogs swimming and playing at doggy daycare.
Quick about us:
We (Mum, Dad and 3 kids) started out with a small dog daycare business (Doggy Daycare Farm Trips) in the countryside of Australia. COVID hit and we began to take a more rewarding turn and take in dogs that were struggling to find homes in the shelter. Dogs with more serious behavioural issues, dogs set for euthanasia, dogs with medical/special needs. In truth, it’s cost us everything we had financially, so we had this idea that people might enjoy watching some of the journey and we could support ourselves by making videos on YouTube. So here we are. Dad, Luke, is retired from the Special Forces after several active deployments, he then went on to become a dog trainer. Mum, Sam, was in advertising, hence the Youtube part. Our kids Elle (8), Evie (6) and Wolf (2) all help us care for and love on all the 30 animals (20 dogs, 2 Dingoes, 2 cats, 5 goats and 1 horse) in our care.
To all those who have been watching since the beginning, we cannot thank you enough. Boy, have you gone through a lot with us. To those just joining us, thanks for being here, we really hope you stay and enjoy our videos, your views truly do help with food and vet bills for all our animals here at the farm. Thank you very much.
The Farm featured on The Dodo:
Miss Violet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35xrt5JGQp0
Chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEuxHzVS2AI&t=139s
Freddo: https://youtu.be/49I7N0523E8?si=Qdwm1xXmZZr_lf0n
You can also follow The Farm here:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmLaO0FYZqRnXLOyegFmIYA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefarmfordogs/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFarmForDogs/
and https://www.facebook.com/doggyfarmtrips/
Our website: https://www.doggydaycarefarmtrips.com.au/
Our shop: https://www.doggydaycarefarmtrips.com.au/farm-shop/
@thefarm-dogtv is a part of our main channel @thefarmfordogs All footage is original & used across both channels; owned & created by Luke & Sam Evans from the farm.
#rescuedog #adopteddog #dogs #happydogs #swimmingpool #dogvideosfordogstowatch #dogvideo #doggytv #dogtv #dogsplaying #dogsswimming #funnydogvideos #cutedog #tvfordogs #separationanxiety #barkingdog #dogdaycare #dogmusic#musicfordogs #relaxmydog #videosfordogs #moodbooster #cutepuppies #cutepuppy #dogs4k #4kdogs #dog #virtualdogtv #tvfordogs #videosfordogs #anxiety #antianxiety #calm #calmdog #calmmusic #homealone #dogmusic #bestmusicfordogs #asmrmusic #relaxingmusic #preventboredom #boredombusting #funfordogs #deeplyentertaining #alldayentertainment #12hours #bestentertainment #deepsleep #relaxation #stressed #virtualdogdaycare #dogdaycare #Doggydaycare #doggiedaycare #adventureexperience #naturewalk #relaxingmusicfordogs #relaxingmusic #relax #dogvideos #DogTV #calm #soothe #calming #soothing #anxiety #antianxiety #stressrelief #peace #sleep #puppy #puppies #kitten #kittens
Puppies are wonderful, I love them, they make our lives happier.
These must be the most well adjusted group of dogs ever, by now. I am so impressed with all the work everyone did to help them get started in their little lives. Just wonderful stuff. Thank you very much.
Hi guys ❤ love this music video idea I been keeping on for a few days now. Btw I been following you for a few years now..I may not know all of your wonderful dogs. But I love turning on your channel for my dogs if i leave the house. I been doing it for years now. I love what you do for the animals ❤️ it truly warms my heart. My sister established the first pet hotel in our city with a doggy daycare and a vet and other facilities. I know a lot of what you guys go through. God bless you always and protect you and shower you with joy and abundance. Much love, Alya from Abu Dhabi, UAE 🇦🇪
So little and so innocent , they are all the most precious of souls . So many emotions looking back . Thank you both for all that you do🙏🏻🙋🏻♀️🇦🇺❤️🧡🐾🐾
At the last few minutes, the gsd trio reunited with their mom and dad, Lucy and Conrad. It breaks my heart that Conrad could never meet with them anymore 💔 😢😢😢
And now we need to smell puppy breath as well! ❤
This was certainly a good idea. I think we all enjoyed the puppy era.
Love this so much and the music 🎶 is superb Sam 👏👏👏👏👋👋🫶
🖤Uncle Yo!!🖤What a charming dog…I hope, and expect, he's living a wonderful life.🖤
Sweet babies! Loved seeing Ms Red and Ms Violet as babies again❤🇬🇧🇺🇲
Want to send some money for the farm and behind the scenes. Will you let me know I am having trouble with the website.
So nice to see video of Jason again!
How is he and his family doing?
Does Luke ever see him? ❤❤
So many memories of watching these puppies grow up.
Omg remembering these days it was a special time thank you for the memories
To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave
I never get tired of seeing Banjo, Rosie, and Matilda as pups!
Wunderschönes Video Sam❤. Mein neuer Rescue Dog ist noch etwas unruhig, hier ist er jetzt ganz ruhig und entspannt eingeschlafen🐺 💚.
As soon as the opening scene of the pups in the sand began, I thought of the beautiful little Australian Shepherd pup with the blue eyes that was stolen, and I now have a heavy heart and tears in my eyes. You did all you could do find him and to prevent further pup-napping. Wherever you are sweetie, there's a LOT of us thinking of you and sending love. ❤❤❤
This is a superb video with lots of fantastic exciting tunes. ❤❤❤ I could watch the 3 Amigos all the time – Banjo Matilda and Rosie- the darlings they’ve grown into. All the puppies were/are adorable. Just by watching Luke training then taught he so much 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🐾🐾🐾🐾
Also love Luke with Wolf and Banjo and his flip flop ear 💙💙 King Bandit overseeing the puppies was always a highlight of any puppy day 🐾🐾👏👏
Alright I’m going in. I just blocked off my weekend and don’t expect to accomplish much else. I hope the farm makes a lot of money to sustain themselves. ❤
Thank you …Evans family..from the bottom of our hearts..for all you do…love and God bless…never miss watching and thumbs up..and always share…❤😊