Streetbeefs Scrapyard holds MONTLY fights in our location of Gig Harbor Washington, sign up on facebook. Sign up, show up, get matched up, FIGHT!
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Peixotto – https://www.peixotto.com
HKA USA – https://hkausa.com/
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OUR MATCHES ARE 100% LEGAL. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE 18 OR OLDER. Welcome to the Scrapyard! We are a LEGAL backyard Fight organization Located in the Pacific Northwest. The Scrapyard was created in 2020 by “Firechicken”, a former Amateur MMA fighter, Wrestling coach, and Boxer. The Scrapyard holds monthly fights in our Pacific northwest location. No money is involved in any way, we do not pay fighters or charge any sort of admission to our events. We aim to give people a place to start their combat sports journey, meet people, solve beefs, or just test out their abilities.
All sign ups are done on our facebook group only
#Boxing #streetbeefs #mma #street beefs #backyardboxing#combatsports #fights #streetfights #highschoolfights #hoodfights #fire chicken #headkick #fightsatschool #ghettofights #streetfight #fighting #fightschool #brawl #knockout #slumpt #mrbeast #hoodfight #knockoutfights #fight #knockouts #UFC #bumfights #espn #agent00 #southpay #Kingofthestreets #KOTS #gash #Scarface #SOLO #strelka #firechicken #death sentence #Street Beef #babyhulk #beach #shinigami #bellator ALL SCRAPYARD MATCHES ARE AMATEUR EXHIBITIONS
Fight was scored poorly. If im being honest the black guy shoulda been disqualified for constantly making contact with the other fighter after the fight was called for a break.
I feel this would be a better fight if people didn’t scream what to do while they fight. It changes what they intended to do. They may attack while people scream defend
Ridiculous decision.
terrible decision
Im not sure….
If Gandalf had an uppercut, he could've been landing it hard constantly.
If he'd clinched the head and just stepped back and pulled down every time the opponent grabbed on, the opponent would've gassed completely.
need more better judges…i say Gandalf won.
So much illegal shots in those clinches that the ref somehow thought were correct
Bad ref and bad form by the bald guy
Bad decision, last time for me watching this garbage
I just lost braincells watching this and im already high
The same way STREETBEAFS supports all comers, I think it's good to support music like Karate Gandolf's band Extortions. I haven't heard it yet but my father taught me that anytime you meet a young artist you should encourage them in one way or another. Weather musical, painter, film, or martial artist. Everyone has their own art. Mothers and Fathers are the artists of their children's lives. One love
Dirty boxers suck!
dope match. Both guys came ready for war. After watching it back I would have to say Karate Gandalf took that one. But this is why I say always try and finish a fight. never leave it up to the judges. respect to both fighters though. and shout out to the judges too. Its not easy trying to judge these matches. you dont always see what the camera sees.
KG was the better fighter. Kinda looks like Pappas tho
Wonder if these guys have ever heard of a straight punch not everything has to be a hook
Tangling up is something that happens in boxing you gotta let them fight it out to certain extent if they’re really tangled up and they’re not separating then break them up, but if they’re not, you gotta let them fight it out
Everyone saying the white guy won are clearly overstating their case. At least concerning the first 2 rounds
The white dude won this….black dude was hugging up on man!
Who was judging ray charles
It’s completely obvious the fighter in the black shirt won. It was a fixed fight now Fire Chicken has to fight the winner.
Who wants to see Chicken Fire fight the winner? Ah is it Fire Chicken or just Chicken- Man anyway let’s watch them fight. Thumbs up give it to watch them fight. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻That says it the Thumbs up wins.
Referee incredibly slow on breaking up the grappling and then has the nerve to tell the fighter not to hold then punch.
Take some accountability ref. You need to get in there and not assume they know when to break cleanly
Can we get The Kaijiu vs Pappas?
Bullshit! Other dude clearly won
Try to throw some straight punches fellas.
Black dude fights dirty as fuck for a boxing match then crys when even half of the dirt is thrown back, buddy comes off like a bitch pulled the dirty punches out of break 4 times, worst ref in street beefs tho ive said it time and time again get this guy otta here. 5;45 the best example
The black guy was cheating and weak but the white guy never take the advantages and the opportunities provided. The judge's decision on the winner wasn't so fair
Well… can we ask why the winner won ? Like how ????!!??
9 complaining at 2:25 and again at 3:28 wasn't much to complain about. 9 needs to develop a jab instead of that winging left he continually throws. I think he would have quit if things got down and dirty. What the hell did Gandalf do to his ears?? Damn
There’s no shot Ether won that fight 🤧 Karate Gandalf undoubtedly won the first two rounds.. The last round Ether was able to get one clean shot in and they want to give him the win for that??? Bro was tired and wanting the fight to end within the first round.. 🤦♂️
At best a Draw, althought I thought Gandalf won.
I wanna join scrapyard
Good fight bad decision
Dirty fighter . Robbed. Need real judges
That was pathetic to watch lol
Normally, I wouldn’t comment on the decision, but come tf on, y’all rewarded the dirty MEffer….wtf?