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Have there been any floor disturbances detected? Thought not!
Horrific 😮 that's at least an inch high.
Tidal surge.
People are Sometimes……TOO CURIOUS😮….wait and see……can become WAIT NO MORE MUCH TOO LATE😅
Bit of exaggeration,is not even knee high
Wow, better bring the washing in off the line, quickly.
“Could it be a sign from the universe towards the present Spanish prime minister & his anti-Semitic government rhetoric against Israel?
My kids pool has more water
Yeah, it’s a large puddle but it keeps coming and coming..dangerous just the same.
The rapture cometh
Look at those idiots still hanging out down there. Apparently they never watched any videos from the 2004 Tsunami.
Screaming British voices, and that’s a holiday ?
" The sea was angry, like an old man trying to return soup in a deli." 🤪
I’ve seen it worse than that during a massive storm ⚠️
The locals need to move off this island. This is our party island and if they don't like it then they should take their greasy little selves off to the mainland. Majorca is British.
is this related to what they called global warming? ice melted that cause rising of the sea level?
It happens a lot…. they only show it now to promote climate "change"
What gets me is most people won’t have any idea what’s going on but I can remember the tsunamis of the past that seemed like an overflow quickly changing to a deluge. I would have been in the highest building as far away as I could get Till it was over!!
This was even worse than the 2004 boxing day tsunami
Gracious it was a large wave that made some stuff wet.
Ah, life in paradise!
Its The Sun what do you expect
Before i lost my beer belly there was more displacement than that when i got in swimming baths
Shared Salford
Firstly, it's scorcheo , followed by wetio 😊
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