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About the Author: Moon Crime


  1. I mean if you see your kids rolling away in your own vehicle.. I would hope going to the nearest person outside with a vehicle and demanding they follow it would be option 1, before scrambling to call 911.. Really tragic story but that's just me

  2. Worst things ever caught on cctv? 😅 If only that were true. This wasnt even close. Not saying I didnt enjoy it. Title doesnt fit the content well.

  3. Imagine being that much of a loser, that you can’t just move on with your pathetic life, instead of stalking someone who clearly doesn’t love you anymore. Poor Molly.

  4. Wow, Jocelyn is such a little badass! Thinking quick on her feet and instantly going into protective older sister mode, trying out all of her options as safely as she could, and ultimately helping/getting her and her baby sister out of the situation. What a brave, smart girl! Her parents must be so relieved (obviously) but also SO proud of her 🙌🤘

  5. 19:17 FUCK THAT! I have experience with dozens of people (friends, family, coworkers, clients) with diagnosed bipolar disorder as well as though with BPD and schizophrenia. These illnesses are not excuses to commit murder. Not to mention, he CLEARLY understand the difference between right and wrong as he waited for the police. If he didn’t understand what he was doing was wrong, he would’ve went about his day as normal. He stalked her, plotted her murder by buying the weapons, and then brutally murdered her. He belongs in prison forever, albeit under psychiatric care for his manic depression and anger.

  6. The Molly one hurt me. So young and new to the world. Makes you realize better to be single than in the company of narcissist. I wish her the best in the next life and hope she’s at peace.

  7. you're wrong about stinson at 18:00. the girl WAS aware of what he was doing and even encouraged it. Her words 'i love a good stalk'. She told him how to check locations on apps and how to spy on profiles when you're blocked etc. She knew all along and encouraged it.

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