Bodycam Footage of The Fatal Encounter Between Three Police Officers and Army Veteran Trae Spurlock

Bodycam Footage of The Fatal Encounter Between Three Police Officers and Army Veteran Trae Spurlock
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* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Casper, Wyoming — On June 6, 2024, at approximately 9:30 p.m., multiple officers with the Casper Police Department responded to a call for service regarding a disturbance in the 5000 Block of Pay It Forward Drive. Officers spoke with the victim on scene, who made allegations that she was the victim of domestic violence. Officers attempted to make contact with the suspect, 26-year-old Trae Spurlock, for five minutes. After all attempts to contact Spurlock failed, Officers returned to speak with the victim.

In need of personal items from her home, the victim requested to enter the residence. To ensure her safety, the officers accompanied her. While this conversation was happening, one of the officers speaks with the victim to confirm if the weapon they had just observed, was, in fact, real. Upon entering the residence, the officers found Spurlock sitting on the balcony with a rifle next to him on the ground. For nearly 15 minutes, the officers attempted to talk Spurlock into the apartment, and away from his rifle.

When the officers attempted to arrest Spurlock for simple, domestic assault, Spurlock opened the sliding door and turned rapidly back towards the rifle. When the attempted use of a taser failed, the officer fired his weapon seven (7) times, six (6) of which struck Spurlock as he moved for his rifle. Officers immediately began first aid efforts and Spurlock was transported by ambulance to Banner Wyoming Medical Center, where he was later pronounced dead.

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    Casper, Wyoming — On June 6, 2024, at approximately 9:30 p.m., multiple officers with the Casper Police Department responded to a call for service regarding a disturbance in the 5000 Block of Pay It Forward Drive. Officers spoke with the victim on scene, who made allegations that she was the victim of domestic violence. Officers attempted to make contact with the suspect, 26-year-old Trae Spurlock, for five minutes. After all attempts to contact Spurlock failed, Officers returned to speak with the victim.

    In need of personal items from her home, the victim requested to enter the residence. To ensure her safety, the officers accompanied her. While this conversation was happening, one of the officers speaks with the victim to confirm if the weapon they had just observed, was, in fact, real. Upon entering the residence, the officers found Spurlock sitting on the balcony with a rifle next to him on the ground. For nearly 15 minutes, the officers attempted to talk Spurlock into the apartment, and away from his rifle.

    When the officers attempted to arrest Spurlock for simple, domestic assault, Spurlock opened the sliding door and turned rapidly back towards the rifle. When the attempted use of a taser failed, the officer fired his weapon seven (7) times, six (6) of which struck Spurlock as he moved for his rifle. Officers immediately began first aid efforts and Spurlock was transported by ambulance to Banner Wyoming Medical Center, where he was later pronounced dead.

  2. You don’t want a small push to escalate beyond that? Don’t call the cops. Yeah they could’ve handled it better, but I don’t know what you want them to do when she says “he shoved me” and he says “I shoved her”

  3. Imagine being shot after you've already been hit by the tazer…that's wild. He was locked up and it was still applying voltage when the shot him. They deploy for multiple seconds for a reason. The firing of the gun was excessive….SMH they need to do better

  4. So unnecessary. He was having issues, all they had to do was leave. Come back later and talk to him, let him know that things have to change.

  5. He is completely aware of the situation, coherently speaking, unafraid, and matching the level of the police. This is a real one, and it's so sad this had to happen.

  6. Dating a girl with purple hair is a sign of mental weakness and confusion. Those women are so dangerous, they'll call the police on you and get you shot dead after serving in the army.

  7. 10:00 min in and im getting mad, why is this not over? cops seem to be escalating it even putting words in his mouth.

    EDIT: I believe the cop escalated it, it's sad this happened, the situation was perfectly explained, the cop even said she had no marks so there wasn't any real fight, why couldn't they just call it off? seems like the safest approach, vet didn't get confrontational other than him being tired and not wanting to go to jail, the cops should have helped, that's what they're supposed to do, if the situation is not that serious and a veteran is telling you he rather die over going to jail just cause he's not thinking straight, call it off, everyone ends up being fine, all of this over a petty woman calling the cops just to escalate shit, cop sounds pumped after it too, he was nervous ah during all that I wonder if he was critically thinking, don't know why it had to end like that.

  8. Man, as a man it’s hard to cry but not to feel. I feel like I wanna cry, but I know how messed up the mf world is for men. A world readily waiting to put us in jail, to shoot us, to bury us. I wish they handled it differently. I wish he did. Seemed like a good dude. Brother gone too soon.

  9. That sucks, dude seemed like such a genuine guy, he deserved way better, it just sucks he had his mind made up, heat of the moment, his trauma and the possibility of jail was enough for him to say fuck it, its not worth it brothers, I wish this dude couldve got the help he needed

  10. This is complete MADNESS. That police officer could not wait to shoot that man. Then handcuff a dieing person WITHOUT CALLING FOR A PARAMEDIC….

    "Stay with me dude"?

    You Americans need to take a long HARD look at your self's.

    Killing a man after arguing with his girlfriend AND he's a fukin VET…

    That man wanted to talk and walk…. He's dead now because of the country he 'fought for' AMERICA.

  11. In my view the officers did al they could to take arrest him peacefully. His concerning statements made it impossible for them to leave him there . The officers can’t just back down whenever a suspect threatens with violence. I can state that in Europe this guys firearms would be confiscated and and his gunpermits or -licence would be suspended. He would probably be arrested and interviewed because of the statements he made. He would also probably be mentaly evaluated by a doctor. This situation would have had the exact same outcome in any European country. If he’d just left the gun away and complied, he could’ve used an attorney to fight the allegations in court. (If it even went to court)

  12. Wow, where are your police officers trained?? The man is shot 6 times for no real reason, 6 times. Especially since the Taser was also used. Just intense. One more life wasted in your great country. But now, land of the free.

  13. Why did the cops need to take him to jail because he pushed someone? Not only do you taze him but you overkill with your shots. Someone was scared and made all the wrong choices and it resulted in a vets death. What a fucking shame.

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