Renegades Tube Team Revolution Promo
The Renegades Tube Team are now the official tube team of Radar Water Sports!
A collection of incredible and insane tubing tricks, wipe-outs and highlights from the Renegades Tube Team 2012 test season for Radar Water Sports.
For more information visit:
Music By:
Artist: Another Damn Disappointment
Title: Blinded
Produced By:
EY!Vision Entertainment
Lol hilarious
I hate being poor
This is a whole lot more fun than when I went tubing. When I went there was like these 2 upright seats so when it flipped it was heavy as hell
Pro tubing 💀
"pro" tubing? hilarious
I just discovered this😂😂
Dudes really started this video thinking that two solid 3's were gonna make it better
So much bullshit in these comments. None of you have ever intentionally done these tricks…granted these guys only land about half of them.
What is this song? It sounds like an AFI song but that's not Davey Havok's voice.
What amazing memories
What boat is that?
Me and my cousins do stuff like this but instead we wipe out
can i join please
Confirmo soy el único comentario en español
All these negative comments, sheesh
me in mario cart:
I will absolutely be doing these and I’m no pro
"This so why we can't have nice things!" 😂 😂
What boat
2020 anyone
The loud obnoxious music choice makes the video unwatchable. Dang
The way their standing there in the intro
Since when was tubing a pro sport? All they are doing is screwing around having fun!
2020 anyone
This has to be a joke
What tube is that small green tube?
this has to be a joke
Check out our tubing videos! If you like them, SUBSCRIBE! 🤘🏼
Anyone here now 2020
me and my cousin attempting all of these
Is that XPAC?! 😆
boutta go speed tubing with my uncle and family
hope to not die whist trying 1 of these tricks
Im defintly trying this!!!!
Sorry y’all but I was doing eXstreme tubing 33 years ago behind a jet boat in California then brought it to the east coast and showed a whole other generation how to catch 15 feet of air and stay on to tube ! Awesome but now I’ve got replaced hips and 9 levels of titanium from all that fun🤣🤘😎
I also do these tricks all the time, but I have no idea how this happens???
Back then.. they still used the word stoked… wow
Idk if I’ve ever cringed this hard before
We did extreme tubing jumping from 1 run to another mid tubing, does that make us pros 😂 nahhhh
This is awesome!
Well ig im a pro 😂 cause that shits lightwork
This is cringey as fuck
This should be titled pro tube drivers. These wackos are pretty much just hangin on.
What kind of tube is this ????
I swear to god I freak out whenever I got like a foot in the air and when you come down it hurts like hell but honestly lowkey wanna try and do a flip probably will fail miserably and hurt myself but memories man😂👍🏼
How come there’s only white people ?
hate being this guy but…. huge camel toe at beginning
That lake seems familiar