Extreme Pro Tubing Tricks

Extreme Pro Tubing Tricks
Spread The Viralist

Renegades Tube Team Revolution Promo

The Renegades Tube Team are now the official tube team of Radar Water Sports!

A collection of incredible and insane tubing tricks, wipe-outs and highlights from the Renegades Tube Team 2012 test season for Radar Water Sports.

For more information visit:

Music By:
Artist: Another Damn Disappointment
Title: Blinded

Produced By:
EY!Vision Entertainment


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About the Author: EYVisionRenegadesTT


  1. This is a whole lot more fun than when I went tubing. When I went there was like these 2 upright seats so when it flipped it was heavy as hell

  2. So much bullshit in these comments. None of you have ever intentionally done these tricks…granted these guys only land about half of them.

  3. Sorry y’all but I was doing eXstreme tubing 33 years ago behind a jet boat in California then brought it to the east coast and showed a whole other generation how to catch 15 feet of air and stay on to tube ! Awesome but now I’ve got replaced hips and 9 levels of titanium from all that fun🤣🤘😎

  4. I swear to god I freak out whenever I got like a foot in the air and when you come down it hurts like hell but honestly lowkey wanna try and do a flip probably will fail miserably and hurt myself but memories man😂👍🏼

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