Just a few weeks after @AnimalsAsia rescued Daffodil and Snowdrop from 20 years in a cage on a bear farm, they have made their very first friend!
After completing their mandatory quarantine period, our vet team gave them a clean bill of health and they moved to their very own dens.
Armstrong, another rescued resident at our Bach Ma sanctuary in Vietnam, came to say hi and they absolutely hit it off!
Daffodil and Snowdrop will now spend a bit of time getting used to their new dens and will then move outside onto the fresh, lush grass for the first time in their lives… and hopefully Armstrong will be there to help them settle in to their new worlds!
Follow @AnimalsAsia as Daffodil and Snowdrop make their brave journeys from farm to freedom and as we rescue every last bear on bile farms across Vietnam. 🙏❤️🐻😍
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