A compilation of True crime documentaries featuring 9 cases that are not well known but terrifying from all over the world.
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There was a man in England that used his van to run over women. I love your channel ❤
*Knowing that you're insane does not make you 'sane'; it means you have insight. Highly intelligent people who know that they're crazy, cannot change that fact, any more than doctors can.
I don't believe that he loves his son. He uses the photos for attention and to pretend he is a responsible parent. He is a deadbeat and a coward.
Thank you for the content and whispering in my ear. Your voice sooths me.
Jesus thats a video game??? Wtf happened to spinning a Pink Floyd record and smokin a joint for fun??
Typical of you to show remote tribes as blacks…🙄 hello, the Goler clan was a remote tribe wasn't it? Grow up 🙄
Istg, this is the most soothing sleeping voice ever 😂😂😂 thank you Bhizah Bhazah 💃💃💃🥱🥱🥱
I knew him…I won't say how..I live in a city about 1 hour and 45 from Detroit. I used to go to Detroit for work and to visit family and friends. Let's just say I'm not surprised!!
The Best of Bizarre! Bazaar's Greatest Hits!!
I have a story about GTA: San Andreas…lol
When that game was out, I was at a cottage with my friends, playing Risk, and drinking half the day. We decided to head to the bar (I had a master hand to drop when we got back), and there one of my friends decided that I needed to have all my drinks paid for by him, and he constantly kept buying me Jager Bombs (Jagermeister w/ Red Bull).
As you can imagine, I was blackout drunk, and decided to wander outside. No idea where I was going, ended up a street over thinking dudes were chasing me, and what did I see? One of those old hippie Volkswagen vans like in the game. I jumped into it quick, and the keys were in the ignition unfortunately. So I started it up, and backed out like I was in a GTA car. Drove for I don't know how long until a cop pulled me over.
Cop: "Let me see your license and registration"
Me: "Dude this ain't my car."
Cop: Where are you?"
Me: Says town that isn't the town I'm in.
Get arrested. Spend all night in jail on New Year's Eve day. I never got to play my Risk hand, and win that 8 hour games we had played. 🥲
Ended up with 2 years probation, and fines.
Morals of the story:
1. Don't drink and drive.
2. Cops ALWAYS overcharge you for the crimes you did because they know the court system loves to settle to keep conviction rates up, and higher charges makes it easier, and the criminal is conned into thinking they "got a deal" when they were just overcharged in the first place.
3. When you get arrested HIRE a real lawyer, and not the court appointed one. You get a much lower sentence because judges will back room deal for you when you pay a lawyer. It's all part of the court system scam. Making sure everyone gets their little cut.
4. When you have an epic hand in Risk, and you have to go somewhere, make sure everyone plays the hand before you go!
John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."—Jesus🌹
Mr BIZARRE, JAILS ARE COUNTY , ONE YEAR OR Less. Prison is state or federally operated. One year or more.
A "great" colection of maniac you got there… Some of those cases I had almost forgotten about.
As a person with 30 years of recovery , many addicts use their addiction as an excuse for ALL types of harmful behavior . Once clean & sober , if you TRULY work on your recovery , you will learn that we , and NOBODY ELSE , are ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE for OUR CHOICES & the outcome of those choices . Blaming others OR our addiction means you have NOT grasped one of the most important aspects or true recovery — RESPONSIBILITY & ACCOUNTABILITY .
If you are old enough to know right from wrong then you can face due punishment.
His mother's name was Hava Sayan
Minors shouldn't get immunity from prosecution for premeditated murder.
It's only a game until someone does it for real. Sad thing is, the people who play videos have built their own society. Now, those people are trying make our real society like the one they have in video games. Make Believe does not work in the Real World.
That was brilliant mike well done 👏
The guy in the first video, shouldn't had paid if he knew he wasn't going to be refunded. He really thought he was playing GTA too I bet.
😂 lmao I can’t believe these gruesome murders, it’s like they wanted it to happen knowingly. Buddy gets 27 months and they intercepted his letters to a chick after his brutal crime, then they fail to make him take meds and manage him in the community, being contact with the chick he wrote to than killed like he said he would in his letter. What joke- this’ my 2nd comment watching the last short
stay sane folks ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
I was hit by a car going 50MPH while crossing the street in 2012. 10+ years later I hurt worse with time. Ppl don't realize even if u survive, your body's pain/injuries get worse bcs it degenerates. I'm thankful to be here but chronic pain is a Hell on 🌎.
I bet that German girl has interesting relatives.
Yikes. Thank you.
And no, no GTA here. Or my one kid . Absolutely faking not.
Can't watch animals in wild getting eaten alive either .
You still looking fine ☺️ . Just gorgeous. Just to stare at. Nothing weird. Like art.
The 'g' is silent in Bologna, think of it like 'lasagne'. Love the channel, keep up the great work dude 👍
Thank you Biz Baz
1st case:
“I’m in jail because 2 people [died]”
• He targeted and murdered his victims.
“due to my [reckless stupidity] + being [intoxicated] and [under the influence of drugs].”
• None of the things he blames makes someone a cold hearted serial killer.
This lowlife extremely calculated murderer lured his victims, had sex with them, then he killed them with his car. He beaten and kicked them mercilessly and while they bled to death on the streets he recollected his money, he didn’t perform CPR !
So his contradictory melodramatic story ain’t gonna work except in his twisted head, locked up in a cell, till he cross another inmate “the wrong way”.
That one with Williams is actually pretty tragic. It sounds like he would go on meds only to get better through the meds and then end up being taken off the meds because he got better, then the cycle repeats. It's just sad this happens all the time with mental health issues. I mean he's still a piece of shit, just saying.
That is not a game, no matter how you look at it.
What game is that called?