I challenged Wing Chun practitioners to prove that their martial art works. The videos I received surprised me.
Thank you to KOD for the fight footage of Qi La La: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Fa6Ehvlpqne8Txohz7wQA
Welcome to the Martial Arts Journey YouTube channel!
My name is Rokas. I’m a Lithuanian guy who trained Aikido for 14 years, 7 of them running a professional Aikido Dojo until eventually I realized that Aikido does not live up to what it promises.
Lead by this realization I decided to make a daring step to close my Aikido Dojo and move to Portland, Oregon for six months to start training MMA at the famous Straight Blast Gym Headquarters under head coach Matt Thornton.
After six months intensive training I had my first amateur MMA fight after which I moved back to Lithuania. During all of this time I am documenting my experience through my YouTube channel called “Martial Arts Journey”.
Now I am slowly setting up plans to continue training MMA under quality guidance and getting ready for my next MMA fight as I further document and share my journey and discoveries.
If you want to support my journey, you can make a donation to my PayPal at info@rokasleo.com
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Check the video “Aikido vs MMA” which started this whole Martial Arts Journey:
► https://youtu.be/0KUXTC8g_pk
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#wingchun #martialarts #martialartsjourney
Links to contributors:
1) Breakdown of Qi La La's fight on Fight Commentary Breakdowns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVsJ5Cqy4iQ
2) Marco's fight and channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmXzdc_ojjM&feature=youtu.be
3) Lion Martial Arts Academy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKwgPhHDdPSdj9wQAaFk9KQ
Like it or not, wing chun karate taekwondo silat or whatever can never compete with either mma or kick boxing. The only three that actually works are Muay Thai, judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
There has never been a martial art that will look exactly like its forms or its textbook pictures when its really time to fight. I consider stances, forms, etc as drills. Why in Karate, do we do deep stances and controlled breathing? I think its all drills that work specific things. When I did Wing Chun for a while at a school that did full contact sparring, the instructor told me the knees inward stance is a drill to make you aware that any moment, someone could try to kick you in the balls and you can trap/block their kick with your knees.
My brother who died in cancer used to block my each and every attack. it does work. if someone doesn't know how to do things they shouldn't make videos
My Kung Fu teacher once told me the most dangerous person you'll ever meet was someone who grew up regularly having street fights!
Chi Sau can make or break wing chun, as it is the primary competition-based "safe drill" that gives you the principles of attack and defense in close range in a way that allows them to evolve.
The problem is when the practitioners forget the purpose of the drill, and start to only connect and control each other's hands instead of trying to hit each other. That's why it looks like they're attacking the air. In my Sifu's words, "don't target his hands, target his nose". So in my school, chi sau tends to look less like a fast flow of slapping, but more of a controlled assessment of the opponent's defense, with moments of explosiveness when a breach has been found, making it look vicious.
Also, you can use your legs in chi sau. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Oh interesting, I wasnt aware wing-chun has this kind of mentality going on
Seems like the school I went to back then (they had to close sadly) was not your usual stuff, they did always prioritize self defense over traditions and culture
As a matter of fact, some boxers have partially mastered some wing chun than some wing chun fighters.
Black belt, good for you, black brlt second dan, good for you, or a black belt with 20 dan like in the USA, good for you, but it means nothing at all.
Look, if in fights your body opens up and you start losing form and you start fighting like an amateur boxer and an amateur Taekwondo, this means you have not got wing chun.
The reason why many people fail to use wing chun, it is because it requires lot of training and fighting.
Back at the golden era of kung fu, kung fu masters used to arrange for their students to be challenged in the streets so that they learn to use their skill and it was a way for them to test how much mastery they have. So grading and belts was not a thing at all.
You think we would not recognise Master Wong?
Because wing chun shouldnt be competitive… its a system for the poor to learn against japanese bandits from the 1930's…. nothing more nothing less. its fun and interesting.
What I've always seen in any martial arts is that it's not a problem about what Martial Arts, but how you train it. And that isnt the fault of those who train xyz martial art, but the fault of the instructors and schools/gyms. Lack of (mixed) sparing, pressure tests and cross training, ect. Training an martial art to use against itself or training it for the entertainment of others is not a martial art. That's just circus training. Schools that avoid sparing and pressure tests should NEVER be visited. Nor should you train under a instructor who has 0 idea what to do when fighting another martial art. If you have passion for an martial art, then train to be the best possible fighter you can be in that. But never train to only fight the people in the same practice room as you, nor train to be a dancing monkey.
They are all just disciplines. It all depends on the person.
Wing chun is garbage. And Qi la la doesn't use wing chun in real fights. You are blind if you don't see that
I’m just looking at learning a new fighting style and I’m just 50 years old now and I’m lean towards wing Chung but I’m still open to serious ideas for a different style.
Rokas, there is no Canadian geometry, as you note. Bruce Lee did so too, sort of, over 50 years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yCeduVJW9s As an old TKD black belt (since 1976), cross trained in boxing and kickboxing, Japanese jujutsu, and grappling, I've enjoyed your martial arts journey.
Any martial art works IF you are trained properly with real full contact sparring. If you never know how to use a technique to block a true punch or kick you'll always lose in a real fight
'by primarily practicising kung fu'. Well…Sand Kung Fu is basically kickboxing! So, there is no difference
what do you think wing chun is ? it's chinese boxing
No sparring and only attacking on center and only a lot chi sau is not the way in a good sparing match.
also you have to train your students how to make hook punches, because a lot of people who begin with wing chun don't know how to give a good hook punch.
So next to wing chun, you have to train your students also how to hook punch and some hook combinations.
One of the best students of Ip man, ( Wong Sheung Leung ) came from boxing, so he knew what to expect from a boxer, and to counter that with his wing chun.
Most common mistakes in wing chun is that they train to much only with chi sau ( sticking hands ) i rather call it rolling hands because i don't want my focus only on the arms.
But Chi Sau is an EXERSIZE !!!!!!!!!!!!! ( NOT SPARRING !!!!!!!!!!!!) but to FEEL that if you are in CLOSE, to check were there is a opening or a BAD structure in where you can attack, remember the chance is 50/50 to hit each other from that close, train yourself in quick reflexes to react what is close by.
The very hard part in this is that you DON'T try to:
– Don't Chase the hands but to HIT when there is a opening.
– Maintain your Structure, a good Stance, Waist, and Elbows NOT OUT!!!! ( unless you make a bong sau )
– See past your Chi Sau and Implement it in lose Sparring
-So you use ONLY your Chi Sau when you are to CLOSE or come in contact.
I've been sparring for a long time with a lot of other styles in the 80's 90's and so on.
The ones who i have to look out for where Boxers, why?, they want to get close like wing chun, and they want to knock you out, just like wing chun.
The BIG Advantage Point of a Boxer is that he trains a LOT on his Punching Power, and that is also in every martial arts the end goal.
So that is my thought in Martial Arts, if you don't train ENOUGH in THAT, but of course also your conditioning, fysical and mentaly in ALL your OTHER exercises and to much focus in how to feel or use your chi or any other fantasy in your head, then you will LOSE.
It is hard work, if you want to be good in any martial arts.
You can't compare an mma fighter who trains say 5 to 8 hours a day 5 days a week, against somebody who trains say 4 hours a week.
Use common sense, the one who trains harder mostly wins in a sparring match and will move much better.
Look, a lot of people give Wing Chun a BAD RAP because they see people LOSE, TRY to use Wing Chun.
To find a good wing chun school, you have to search for it nowadays.
If you come to a school and they sell you fantasy,a contract, or some other Bullshido, then RUN.
If they don't spare?RUN!!!!
To much NICE talk?RUN!!!!!!
IF YOU USE COMMON SENSE, AND OBSERVE, that is a KEY THING if you have trained a lot of Martial Arts and are OPEN MINDED.
If you know that question?, then IMPLY THAT into your martial arts, and you will be good at it.
I think a little wing chun in your training is probably good… there’s some unorthodox things, but also implementable… a hit is a hit… death by 1000 pins or whatever type mentality… maybe not super useful for mma where someone is prepared to fight, but in a cornered cat type situations it seems useful…
Master Wong.
Wing Chun in the UK: 1) Forms, 2) Drills (feeding punchs for gate recognition including chi sao, 3) Sparring inplementing the techniques, 4) pressure testing sparring. Ps: Many schools have lost the latter elements.
Chi sao is a method to understand enemy movement (body and hands) in close combat. But it's not sparring. In my school we spar a lot ,and we don't use olny wing chun . It's free sparring. We also train in chi sao , to feel the move of the "enemy" . It helps for better ballance. The think is that most of Ip Man 's students are very bad sifus😉
Mashall arts destroy the natural way u fight. No good
Tbh I don’t care because as long if Wing Chun works effectively in a street fight against an untrained person on the streets and tbh I feel like that’s the way to make sure it works not just in UFC
Its about the user, never the martial art.
Chi sao misunderstandings are funny to me. You're basically training a ton of hours in chi sao to be able to sense the center of your opponent the second you touch them. It's a mix of controlling & sensing yourself & opponent. WC is supposed to be very close, so touch replaces visual cues because it's too close to visually react. It is DEFINITELY not to be taken as sparring.
There is good and bad in all styles, and Bruce said it best, 'absorb what is useful'. Most of us common people are not going to go out and full contact test our style, we have to train it in a situation that challenges our techniques in every way, and then improve upon them, without hurting ourselves. And, not to forget that martial arts is also about improving ourselves in many ways, not just fighting, I mean really probably 95% of artists never get into fights anyway, so you had better get more out of it than just learning how to destroy someone.
😂😂😂 qi la la equal silat
He's not using Wing Chun in any of this footage.
Wing Chun, invented by a woman as a defense mechanism against bigger stronger opponents.
Is based on evasion blocking and counter strikes.
A pure Wing Chun practitioner, would allow their opponent to come at them, evade or block their strikes and counter them on the spot.
Wing Chun is banned in the UFC for a reason. And it's not because it doesn't work.
5:25 Maybe the only reason I can think of is they might be afraid of getting exposed, but other than that I can't think of any other logical explanation, coz all of those things are actually really quite important to factor in if this martial art is effective in a real fight
I like Bong Sau of wing chun, with the step off and strait punch right after. I have worked this application into my toolbox of moves that breaks centerline for my opponent . Admitting my knowledge of the style is very minimal, as i only took two classes on both of my two days off from regular training for little over a year. That school did have sparring classes (think they called them fight classes) but with fair bit of protective gear.
what martial art do you practice?
How to spell the guys name in the video? the fighter he is talking about from China.
I don’t think when chun has very good punches, but the thing is, even though I never actually learned the art, a lot of bjj practitioners I roll with say my parrying techniques look like wing chun.
I think they’re blocking techniques are pretty good. That’s it though. The blocking techniques of wing, Chun, and the head movement of western boxing since, in order to use bjj effectively you have to be good at blocking and evading punches
you cannot do wing chun with boxing gloves..
My friend studied Wing Chun, not designed for competiion because throat and eyes are main targets.
These martial arts aren't ineffective. They've just been watered down by masters who don't spar or pressure test. Then there's the long history of fake masters that have popped up in every generation of martial artists since teaching became a business. All of this has served to infect and dilute the purity and effectiveness of kung fu as a whole. But at the center of it is still a collection of methods that were used to teach combat to mass groups of people throughout China's history.
It just needs pressure testing and sparring to weed out the waste. This is part of the claims about what Sanda is about. Reducing it to a series of strikes and throws common to various schools of Chinese kung fu and putting them into sport scenarios.
But…While you can use these traditional methods to become better at martial arts, if you want to become as good as you can as fast as you can, you should just train Sanda if Kung Fu is a must…
Of course it works. It’s ridiculous how mma people pretend mma and/or kick boxing isn’t a bunch of tma mashed together. And it’s dumb they act like no one in the kung fu (or tma) world does resistance training cuz they’ve met someone who does it. Ignorance isn’t evidence of anything.