Watch these heroes help over 60 animals!
#HeroOfTheWeek #Rescue #Dogs #Cats #Animals #Pets #Heroic #PetsOfInstagram #DogsOfInstagram
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thank you so much Iowa animal rescue
Now this is a job I'd love to do… if there was an animal fire department that simply rescued cats, dogs, gators, snakes, raccoons, etc… sign me up.
Blessings 💜
Sono contenta che li avete salvati
Awwww gotta love the furbabies ❤
Yes, thank you for your big hearts. But the people that had 60 dogs should be put in jail.
Köszönet és hála mindazoknak az embereknek akik megmentették őket❤❤❤❤. Gyönyörü az összes kutyus❤❤ Megérdemlik a biztonságot és a szeretetet❤❤❤❤
Happy that all these beautiful animals now have a chance at a better life
Poor things.Most of the puppies have got severe skin problems.Real shame.❤
Thank U all, who assisted in the rescue of these precious animals.
Praying that each will be adopted & luv'd. ❤❤❤
God bless the animals & the rescues involved! I can not get over these skin conditions but love seeing how happy they are after the rescue is such a beautiful thing❤
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to this horrific problem that needs so many more people to help. If you know of someone or suspect someone is cruel to animals, please report it or tell someone who can report it.
This has to end.
And stop selling these beautiful animals to people who you know won't take care of them just so you can get money. You're part of that problem. It starts at your doorstep.
There if a need for a law that holds sellers just as responsible. Maybe then, and ONLY THEN, will they stop selling to Just anyone.
It breaks my heart to see animals being so neglected and mistreated 😭😭 GOD BLESS YOU for rescuing them!!! I pray that they are all ok and find a very loving forever homes they soooooo deserve it ❤❤❤❤
God bless you all so much who saved these helpless fur babies they deserve better and those evil beings who did this to them should be put in jail
Por favor castración masiva 🙏🙏🙏. pará prevenir ésto, tantos angeles 🐕 sufriendo 🙏🙏🙏 BASTAAAAAAA dé maltro animal BASTAAAAAAA ❤
Que Deus abençoe todos vocês anjos de Deus que salvam essas vidinhas inocentes🙏🙏
He visto que hay en una jaula 2 gatos, eso creo yo que esta prohibido y a mi eso no me gusta 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Que bonito es el video ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
🥹🙏🙏🏻❤️❤️Danke für die Rettung
I don't have any sound but I can definitely see that all of these Animals.I guess we're in somebody's house or who knows why people miss street animals like this.I'll never understand never it's wrong, every sense of the word it's like mystery a child.They cannot defend themselves
Where is this ??
Thanks for saving all dogs 🐕🐕🐕 God bless you all 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for save this animals ❤
thank u so much rescuers.bless u
Thank God for the people that have been sent to Earth like this to help with the poor little things that have been done wrong by the bad people like that and I'm glad you are still in the Earth to be heroes to help with their lives
If you can mistreat an animal that idiot could mistreat a child, elderly or disabled person. People look out for these kind of idiots make them pay here on earth just like they will pay when they meet the Devine maker. God's watching all of us.
God bless all who were involved in this most needed rescue. I'm happy police were involved too.
We have come a long way in 50 years, l am so happy people get it. A story like this one makes us SMILE, KNOWING WE STILL HAVE KIND HEARTED FOLKS. ❤
God bless you,, thank you for your kindness,, ❤❤❤
Do you need money to help them
Little puppies with advanced mange. They had to have been infected as soon as they were born.
Thank you for helping them. What I don't understand is why some people are collecting them and not getting them fixed before multiple babies show up in the mix? I understand trying to help, but there comes a thin line where people should not be hoarders amongst these situations. There are people willing to help in these situations than to accumulate animal shelters with more struggle than they can handle. Anyway, thank you for your kind hearts. Any kind of help is better than no help. ❤️🐾🥹❤️
This is crazy😢
GOD! Bless & Thank You! All for rescuing These Beautiful Fur babies! hope All of them find loving Forever Families!👍🏾🥰
Boa noite meus queridos 🙌
Yes I thank you to for saving all those poor little things bless them . Your wonderful people. Xx❤