From a scary video that might show a ghost in a haunted house to weird footage of the uncanny valley effect, we look at scary videos that will make you feel weird. #Scary #Weird #SlappedHam
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7. 5 SCARY GHOST Videos To Watch In TOTAL DARKNESS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt4y6m75s3I&t=344s
6. QUE SE TERMINÉ ESTO QUE YA NO AGUANTO. 😱😱 NECESITO AYUDA!! … https://www.tiktok.com/@leaanrrito/video/7309354575536852229
@leaanrrito LO MAS FUERTE QUE ME PASÓ HASTA EL MOMENTO 😨😨 #terror #pactodemonios #niñofantasma #fantasmas #paranormal #paratii #fyp #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #longervideos
@leaanrrito LOGRÉ CAPTARLO CON ESTA CAMARA😨😨 #terror #pactodemonios #niñofantasma #fantasmas #paranormal #paratii #fyp #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #longervideos
@leaanrrito NECESITO AYUDA, QUE SE TERMINE DE UNA VEZ 😨😨 #terror #pactodemonios #niñofantasma #fantasmas #paranormal #paratii #fyp #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #longervideos
5. El entubado paranormal… https://www.tiktok.com/@nicolaslautaroo_/video/7365320104747289861
4. dredlim21 https://www.tiktok.com/@dredlim21/video/7354243067131546885
3. IT FINALLY SHOWED ITS SELF TO ME!… https://www.tiktok.com/@vcete/video/7357141473709575467
Mimic caught on camera! It also moves the door and chair!… https://www.tiktok.com/@vcete/video/7372740470189116718
Shadow entity, shows itself and growls again! Haunted store!… https://www.tiktok.com/@vcete/video/7360100365376851246
2. We’re human, we promise… https://www.tiktok.com/@rjchumbley/video/7299495582429613354
horror.story.x https://www.tiktok.com/@horror.story.x/video/7300588706505805099
i’m having too much fun… https://www.tiktok.com/@blondeicedcoffee/video/7300782669829328134
Uncanny valley 💀… https://www.tiktok.com/@guinutil/video/7302966269567880453
1. These ships appear to be floating above the horizon… https://www.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/comments/1cu19ap/these_ships_appear_to_be_floating_above_the/
By Ethan Sloan
A Bad Place to Be
By Bonn Fields
Diffusion Echo
By Ethan Sloan
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Once you mentioned tiktok, it loses all credibility ALL OF IT.
What if they are the ones following him?
But I think it's another explorer surprised by them or a homeless guy
No onecnotice apart from the guy with the camera who lingered j7s5 long enough to capture them on video. lol
In the first clip why aren't all the orbs going around mentioned about 🤔🤔
First one in the video, indeed just people. 2nd one also a big theatre.
The guy with the bathroom had something watching him in the open bathroom door before it closed it and screamed. You can see it moving to the right as the door closes.
In the first video, Like all videos on this and every other channel, Noises are heard and no one ever jumps and opens the doors, They always give there friends time to leave the area, Plus, He's sounds scared But also if you pay attention, he has an uncontrollable laugh he has to hold back, I can yell this was all a set-up, Why does the commentator always act as if there's something's actually going on, when they themselves knows it BS It's always the same.
4:55 you can see someone standing in the bathroom
these are all fake bullshiy
I really was not impressed with this series at all!
why am I even watching this trash? -.-
If you were constipated & sat on the toilet in video 1 you'd soon "lose a lot of weight".😂
Fata Morgana
They all seem fake and staged to me.
What is the dark grey something in the office at 12:09 ? Another chair?
lol, all of these are tik tok idiots trying to get more views and subscribers….so lame and fake
That poor young man's videos around the 5-6min mark absolutely has a Demon who is intent on driving him crazy. It might be part of a long-term plan to disrupt him enough to possess him. Since Demons were once Hybrid Fleshly creatures, they are OBSESSED with having a body again.
Finding someone who is a Genuine Spirt-Filled Christian and asking them to pray for him and the house would help, but the only sure way to be safe is to admit his crimes before Jesus Christ of the Bible, ask to be forgiven & Jesus will then be his Savior and King. The Holy Spirit of God will also come to live in him, making it impossible to be possessed (Though they can still try to oppress us.) He will however, have the authority himself to cast Demons away and ban them from his home.
I feel like fake ghost videos used to be more imaginative. The video from the convenience store was very low-effort–just some guy standing behind a door opening and closing it, standing just out of shot and giving a little shove to a chair so it rolls out into the hall, that kind of thing. The apartment window one is easy enough to fake, using a doll or cardboard cut-out attached to something like a skateboard, backlit and being rolled back and forth passed the window. The one in the bedroom is just someone hiding under a blanket. The first is just three shirtless boys looking out of windows. I will give props to the second video, even knowing it's probably a mask behind the patterned glass, the effect is still creepy.
As fake as my Medical degree……………………👻👻👻
Did anyone else catch the spaceship behind the Uncanny's Robots 😮 ???
If someone can get inside " abandoned " buildings so can others ,just ordinary people,nosing around like you .
So let’s judge these clips…
1. Wank
2. Wank
3. Wank
Stopped watching after that.
I wouldn’t trust videos from Tick Tock all fake. Give me something real or better than this
02:15 haha so will ich auch immer aufs klo wenn besetzt ist… genauso
Daniel video is faked.
weird, I've had some terrible disturbances in my bathroom too lol.
Go to 5:05 right as Mr slapped ham says there's nothing out of the ordinary!!!!
Look at the clocked figure with a face standing in the door way watching him,it even moves back as it closes the door????
How did everyone including the uploader miss it it's clearly a human figure with an evil empty face.
They follow becoz u are weak feeding of ur fear of lack of belief,u must be stronger than the pathetic entity trying to consume you,they hold no real power in this world,like ohh wow I can close a door ,I can build a house can u do that Mr ghost ,no they can't ,don't be scared ,you can threaten them too ,that u will find them in the after life and shove pineapples up their …
They get scared,and they leave.i have removed many ghost ,they are just the dead ,unsure and scared to pass through the light.
There are no demons,just fractures of a human will lost in the abiss.
Did you all see the figure in the bathroom about 5:16 into the video
The second one is fake. He sometimes make a video how he fakes it. 😂
Reyal or pa ke?!!😂
Bro that's guys almost f word 😂
Nooo doggie
Anyone who believes the 2nd video is a special kind of stupid
The first clip showed 3 people one was completely white like paint on his face😮
How many times can you post the same videos bro? Get new content plz..
pacing woman in the window – its a towel or sheet around a ceiling fan.
2nd video: people should know that, when an entity knocks at their door, opening it is like giving the entity permission to enter….and then, they can say goodbye to their normal life… the case of black eyes children is also well-known for not letting them in no matter what…
Yeah look at the giant of ngong hills in Kenya 😢
after the first film in which it is clearly clear that the three figures in the windows are simple bare-chested teenagers (probably friends of the boys in the film) I stopped watching this stupid video or stopped following this stupid bullshit channel
A collection of staged video clips, it's all click bait. but, since I clicked it, it obviously worked. So who's the fool here? Damn…
Shouldnt fata morgana prove the earth isnt flat?
i tink his house is hunted by a ghost👻👻👻
the first one is definitely just homeless people lol
All these videos have nothing supernatural about them lmao 😂
They were SHIPS not boats, please don't join the ranks of the ignorant with this confusion.