From a possible recent paranormal video captured in a haunted house to scary footage that might show a ghost in a cemetery, we look at the most recent paranormal videos just for you! #Paranormal #Scary #SlappedHam
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OUR MOST POPULAR TOP 10 VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G-vFvUbO-M&list=PLz9EdJARh8zmkOZpbO-ToDyprjx9AQ4Wd&index=1
7. CEMENTERIO DE LA PLATA ☠️ LA CIUDAD DE LOS MUERTOS⚰️… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_driAcmBsjQ
6. Por favor, alguien que me ayude…. https://www.tiktok.com/@leaanrrito/video/7289307634941840645
LA ALTURA DE ESTE DEMONIO ES ANORMAL 😨😨… https://www.tiktok.com/@leaanrrito/video/7366464031579720966
5. Half-naked man smashes car into jail… https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/us-news/half-naked-man-smashes-car-32970952
4. A couple of years ago my doorbell caught this image walking past my door https://www.facebook.com/groups/283566876803190/permalink/929969612162910/
3. TERRIFYING SINGING COMING FROM MAUSOLEUM !!! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IUXTMA_Ctww
2. AFL photographer Paul Kane snaps ‘genuinely creepy’ image with ‘extra hand’ after North Melbourne’s first win https://7news.com.au/sport/afl/afl-photographer-paul-kane-snaps-genuinely-creepy-image-with-extra-hand-after-north-melbournes-first-win-c-14960699
1. Couple find creepy hidden tunnel under their home – and soon discover its criminal past… https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/us-news/couple-find-creepy-hidden-tunnel-32966588
Took out the Jacuzzi in the house we purchased 4 years ago… https://www.tiktok.com/@hayleyg099/video/7357558814935141678
Update! Part2!!… https://www.tiktok.com/@hayleyg099/video/7359173185809550634
By Ethan Sloan
By Ethan Sloan
LaGuardia Avenue
By V.V. Campos
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
The extra hand could be another player hidden behind the two embracing reaching out and patting as he passes by.
Slap the salami.
The second video, what's so 'paranormal' about it? It's not really even unsettling (for us the viewer I mean) because well, the guy is crazy.
Slap me, ham daddy?
10:10 I love you to death but that’s a photoshop
The 5-handed photo is probably just another player whom you can see if you follow #4's right arm to the white skin beyond his hand.
I love the channel and the content… but I'm always left wondering "WHY IN HELL ARE PEOPLE FILMING IN PORTRAIT????" lol
Each and every single time I've EVER grabbed my smartphone to film in hurry it's ALWAYS been in landscape mode. Is portrait a TikTok thing? I've never bothered with TikTok, but the videos I've seen are ALWAYS in portrait.
The Mysterious Hand on the Footy players would be another player on his Knees likely hidden by the two in front. These guys Love to have Happy Together Time when any one of them achieves a Try or they Win a game so they stumble around each other slapping Bums and Hugging and the one you Can't see is doing just that. I'd Love to see it from a different angle considering his position if his hand is that Low on the Body 🤔😏😳🤣🤣🤣
Florida Men are a whole cryptid subgenera unto themselves.
Hi everyone.
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Thanks so much.
Total bollocks!
lol, Eyeball Anus made me laugh. Funny af. I think that was a little ahead of it's time.
Uhm, yeah sorry, if he did all that and then expressed how much he hated Trump, he wasn't possessed or any such thing. He was a lefty, living a lifestyle that was not good for his mental health, and it almost always begins to show through their behavior. I have known a couple people who did things like that, and while I didn't know their political alignments, their LIFESTYLE CHOICES – of which I was a part at that time – were very much in line with the folks involved in those hyper-politicized movements. There are stupid people on the right too, and drug abusers etc as well – but I see a whole lot of the people going on and on a bout how much they hate Trump doing the CRAZIEST THINGS that I've ever seen.
I might not know ALL the reasons, but if you live in a way that makes you mentally unwell… you aren't really doing yourself any favors, obviously. If you can't get over Trump by now, never mind seeing reality, you need to get help – I mean professional help, before you harm someone. Odds are, they'll be innocent and won't know what YOUR problem is… and it could very well be your end.
Wow, look at all the orbs in the couple videos after the cemetary… the orbs always stand out to me, because they behave so differently from dust motes. It's ..very odd. I don't know how to explain that stuff, because I've compared raising dust and light glinting off it to video of orbs countless times – it's very clear, not the same thing. Wtf ARE the orbs??? Man, I can only imagine they only show up on video or something… I've seen them in photos and video but never in person. I HAVE seen them in photos friends have taken, though, and when they were taken I definitely didn't see them OR any dust.
It's so bizarre. Orbs are one of the most inexplicable things when you begin to realize they aren't always dust.
Even if the hand sliding into the coffin was not paranormal, it's disturbing that someone would just be hanging out and/or sleeping in there… crazy. Extremely disgusting, too.
Absolutely love your channel's. You do a great job. Thanks for all the vids, best bedtime viewing, ever. Congrats on 10 years 🎉❤
Wow, No 6 looks like the ghost of Severus Snape, how creepy! CONGRATS on 10 years!
Congratulations on 10 years Kalen!!! Lets here it for 10 more!!! 👻🐽 #pew
Happy 10th birthday🥳🐷🎈🎉🍰🥂🍷🎂🍹🍺🍻🍸
8:30 look in the vent(?) on the left of the flag
There’s a vaguely human shape standing there
Maybe, just maybe, pump the water out first?
So if you watch the first clip of the guy in black and white had a portal in his bedroom if you pay attention you can see the orbs,and if you notice the footy player that has his back turned his right looks like he is missing his wrist
The "EXTRA" hand in the AFL pic belongs to the THIRD person in the hug. You can see his left shoulder AND elbow in the picture right next to player 4's right hand and elbow. The 3rd person is almost completely obscured by the other 2 players except for his right hand and left shoulder and elbow. So not paranormal just perspective!
finally i got to see a actual ham getting slapped in 10 years!
Wasn't Slapped Ham a member of Planet Dolan?
You seem to be running out of spooky stories… a secret basement? Really? In any case, I do enjoy your videos. Congratulations on the 10 year mark! Well done.
Congratulations 🥂 🎊 🍾🍾🍾🥂🥂🥂
Wow I didn't know that you've been around over 10 years!!😻😻🙀 Love your stuff!!👍👍🙀 ALL OF IT!!
How is the guy crashing his car into the jail paranormal? He's obviously mentally disturbed
That pale hand was not there. They added it in the enhancement
So happy to have found this channel, it's become one of my favorites, unreal the things that cameras catch these days! Thank you for bringing the best of the paranormal clips to us!
Faked picture on the sports one. It is very evident it is fake
Not putting down slapped ham, but c’mon, if you’re in a house with strange crap going on, you’re going to move asap and it’s telling me these are sophisticated parlor tricks to get hits, nobody in their right mind would continue living there.
16:36 WHAT THE HELL!!!! DOES WTF MEAN!!!!!!!!??!!!!!!!!!
🧐😄🤑"im so smart!!!"
🩸🩸🩸🩸"wheres that blood comeing from!!!?"
I forgot what wtf means…
that kinda looked like michael myers through the window
The flooded secret room under the hot tub in Michigan is complete BS…the home is a converted pump house…not bootlegging tunnels, there's a video showing the real story.
The crashed into cop station!! He’s wearing what looks like a hospital gown???? 😳😱
Come on! the rugby guys! You can see the third persons hair!
Congrats on 10 years and here's hoping for 10 more years… hopefully YouTube will be streamed into a chip that we implant behind our eye like in Futurama. 😂😂