Dear all beloved Subscribers and viewers!!
This is our channel Phnom Pros Wildlife TV is a wildlife monkey Lifestyle channel such as
Please help subscribe and enjoy all the videos on this channel we will update Wildlife Monkey Lifestyle.
More importantly, I would like to create these videos by recording my own Camera for entertainment and knowledge., All over the world really need to study the monkey lifestyle and cut down on stress by watching videos on YouTube.
I would like to say sorry for any unknown or unexpected mistakes, or some videos will make you unhappy.
I hope you forgive me.!!
Thank you so much for your support
to learn more about
monkey lifestyle in their life.
Title Video: Adorable baby monkey Elon.
Phnom Pros Wildlife TV, Cute Animals,Animals,4kvideo,Nature,Animal,Wildlife,Baby Animals,Monkey Behavior,Baby Monkeys,Primate Care,Monkey Rescue,Wild Monkeys,Funny Monkeys,Monkeys Playing,Baby Monkey Care,Cute Baby Monkeys,Newborn Monkeys,Baby Monkey Playtime,Rescued Baby Monkeys,Baby Monkey Feeding,Orphaned Monkeys,Monkey Nursery,Primate Babies,Monkey Rehabilitation,phnom pros wildlife shelter,monkey chara,monkey messi,monkey ary,monkey sara,monokey suzy,monkey sippey
Thats not mum thats a kidnapper
Who make this video
You are criminal
Ohhhhh lord
Where’s the momma at? This is clearly not the momma. SMH

Pobre criaturinha

Во какая злая !
زشت بیرحم کثیف
No me gusta lo que le hace
Вот и урок, не воруй , потом не знаешь как отвязаться

Arranca as orelhas deste rato a dentadas aí ele te larga isso é uma praga que gruda pior que chicletes
بڑا لعنتی بندر ھے
Yaziq atilmij ujaq ve heyvanlara
Heyat beledi ana yaxin qoymayanda ve tulayanda yadlar ne edir korpele baxin
Was du hast noch keine Arbeit, du grüner Bengel